Author Topic: Why do you hate me  (Read 15211 times)

Im just trying to have some fun while I can you guys and sorry if im a noob sometimes but im just joking around i mean its a freaking game.

inb4"Who are you?"

oh my god get a gasblowback or a aeg you noob i play airsoft and your making it look lame. there are airsoft gun that hurt they are in the 500-700 fps guys and gals look it up.GOOD DAY >:/
atleast im a badass and i got guns that shoot more than once a  trigger pull.Ps your the cigarette now go chase your friend friends in your friend ways.GOOD DAY >:(
go watch your gay friends forget each other and dont get mad because i believe in mahself..oh and stop flaming this thing is 100+ pages full of spam.

a guy that is hated for three reasons
1.My name is shadowed999
2.My forum post
3.They think im a noob
4.They think im a b#$@

you only posted my angry defense post


a guy that is hated for three reasons
1.My name is shadowed999
2.My forum post
3.They think im a noob
4.They think im a b#$@
That's four reasons, you illiterate moron.

dude i said ha this will be useful to assasinat makerov a mw2 terrorist that escaped.

a guy that is hated for three reasons
1.My name is shadowed999
2.My forum post
3.They think im a noob
4.They think im a b#$@
you forgot to put 5.i am a idiot

dude i said ha this will be useful to assasinat makerov a mw2 terrorist that escaped.
Modern Warfare 2 sucks. Go play that instead of being here.

you only posted my angry defense post

angry defense? you came out of nowhere spouting some stupid ass gibberish.


Inb4Because you made this thread