Author Topic: SphereXP. Words can't describe how awesome this is.  (Read 1187 times)

SphereXP **was** a desktop replacement for Windows XP only. It supports Vista and Windows 7 as of May 13th, 2009.

Basically what it does, is it turns your desktop into something like this:

Video of it in action:

I got it today, and I think I'll use this for a long time. My computer's running this just fine, even with my terrible specs.
Avg. Memory Usage: 20,000KB+, depending on what windows are on the desktop, and which ones are active.
Avg. CPU Usage [Single core P4 2.0GHz]: 10%, 3 windows inactive, 2 windows active refreshing at 200ms.

It comes with some skyboxes, and I think you can add more by making them yourself.

Skyboxes that can be used in SphereXP:
In XP, put them in C:/Documents and Settings/<your account name>/Local Settings/Application Data/Sphere/SphereXP/Background [by default]
Get the .zip formats.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 12:38:38 PM by TheBlackParrot »

i dont understand the diffrence

Definitely downloading. This is great.

This looks loving awesome.

Here's my desktop:

Windowblinds ftw.

Don't want, I'll stick with cube top and/or desktop 360

I'd rather stick with good old flatty.

I'd rather stick with good old flatty.
I just don't see how it's practical.

I'd rather stick with good old flatty.
Yeah, things like Bump Top and such only seem like a waste of your CPU's Memory

This doesn't even help with anything

I'd rather stick with good old flatty.

I was hoping someone else felt this way.

I personally don't want it.  I'll just stick to being organized.
I do as much as I can to keep my CPU load low as possible for when I enter battle. (Games.)

Wait, what happens if you try to run a fullscreen appliance?