Author Topic: Starcraft 2 - Blockland players on SC2 unite  (Read 16456 times)

This is bullstuff, terrans are OP. I did my placement matches in 1v1 and got bronze. That's not what pissed me off, I'll take what I'm given. What bothered me is that in all those games I didn't see a single person play anything other than terran. All I've seen the terrans do is rush with marines and marauders and it's loving impossible to stop early game as a protoss. I feel like my brother, watching as his 3 probes get overwhelmed by ultralisks or something. I've tried colossus. I can't get them out. I've tried chargelots. They're not strong enough and they'll put you in a huge tech/resource hole even if you do manage to fight them off. I've been told the solution is sentries. That's bullstuff, I shouldn't have to have superb micro just to beat a terran rush. I've been told High Templar, those come too late. I block my gate, they kill the pylon. I swear, I'm quitting starcraft or at least restricting myself to matches between friends until terrans are nerfed.
What the hell? Protoss are the absolute easiest to defend with, build more proton cannons. Also zealot rush. Anyway you need to hone your skills more.

i always start with bunkers blocking my gate completely. then pumping tons of marines lol.

I like that juke box in the catina.

I was in a match against 4 Terran. It was very short, considering they all sent their SCV's and forgeted over a base. The owner was too incompetent to realize that his probes could attack back, so it was 3 groups of probes vs. 4 groups of SCV's.

After that, I was victim to 2 different Protoss cannon rushes. I lost both times.

I got pissed off. Normally, I wouldn't stoop to such a low level, but I'd had enough of being victim to that tactic.

The next game, there was one player on the other team who was lagging horribly. First chance I got, I scouted him out and planted a pylon on the corner of his base. He whined and complained when my cannons eventually overcame him.

LAG loving FIXED.

Wizard's rant is justified.  Stopping an MM push requires force fielding the ramp with perfect timing to buy time so you don't get forgeted.  The funny thing is this: all the terran has to do is find the build on a strategy site, practice it a bit, and then go A-move into his opponent's base.
Edit for videos:
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 01:59:27 AM by DrMobius »

the only thing that i dislike about this game is the constant same thing..

same strategies same placements etc etc...

it's like a RTS... but you cant have total freedom without suffering consequences... like you either stick to a strategy or you lose..

not sure this makes sense :?

the only thing that i dislike about this game is the constant same thing..

same strategies same placements etc etc...

it's like a RTS... but you cant have total freedom without suffering consequences... like you either stick to a strategy or you lose..

not sure this makes sense :?
Not if you are terran.  As Terran, you can make whatever you want, A-move into your opponents base and beat them unless they micro perfectly.  What race do you play anyway?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 02:06:38 AM by DrMobius »


always the same stuff..

spawn pool.... gas gas gas..

roaches or hydras..

mutas if oponent isnt handicapped

My friend plays this, he's really good at it, so he might teach me how to get a lot better when I get it.
Though his rank is horrible due to the fact that his computer gets BSOD like 3 times an hour.

My friend plays this, he's really good at it, so he might teach me how to get a lot better when I get it.
Though his rank is horrible due to the fact that his computer gets BSOD like 3 times an hour.
It always just has to happen for the pro players. :/
Don't get zerg until they fix it. You just get zerglings, roaches, and hydralisks.

if you friends are just about finished logging on and off steam every 8 seconds.

i think i can finally click the build button from my SCV

I find it extremely lame that the only victory tactic is to rush. That's not even fun, I want to see huge battles and strategic placement, not a 5-minute match consisting of just GOGOGOGOGOGOGO. What the forget happened to ceasefire for like 5 minutes so we can have a legit fight and not a button-pressing race?
Build big defensive to start with rather then units.
Then start building units and place them farther into your base.
Push forward with all your might.
Catch them off Gard with better units then their puny little rush units.

What the hell? Protoss are the absolute easiest to defend with, build more proton cannons. Also zealot rush. Anyway you need to hone your skills more.

Ahhhh. A forge is near-useless if you don't go for ground (I think it's ground?) and photon cannons cost 125 or 150 minerals each, that's a lot. If you build 3 photon cannons, that's enough minerals to build a loving carrier.

I'm sensing a lot of terran hatred.

Toss: I would skip zealots completely, get sentries and stalkers. Tech to high templar and psionic storm.
Sentries block the enemy army and provide damage shields for you. Psionic storms rip through MMM balls.

Zerg: I would start swearing and begin making lots of roaches, lots of roaches. Banelings are useful for busting through terran blockades. Also for destroying MMM balls.

Also, I'm now 3v3 gold and 4v4 gold.

After a few weeks of playing, I've found that this RTS isn't really that fun. It's all computed and predetermined and stuff, and that gets boring immediately. Even epic battles (like I talked about before) are pretty boring in Starcraft. There's almost no variety, there's simply three events: You get rushed and destroyed or the enemy gets rushed and destroyed or ragequit. I'm probably uninstalling it soon.