
What do you think of the add-on?

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I hate it
File size is too big
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Author Topic: Extended Piano Sounds (Get V2.0 Now!)  (Read 5805 times)

This is my first add-on, so please try to restrain your troll instincts...
The Extended Piano Sounds!
LINK V2.0 http://www.mediafire.com/?dg5hrkdubqcjh28 LINK V2.0
Inspired by Beam, who created the Piano Sounds Add on with one octave plus a note (total of 13 notes), I decided to expand the piano notes selection, because I found that thirteen notes wasn't enough to play all the songs I really wanted to play. So, I tore apart Beam's Add-On and used the script from it to create my own. (File dissection ftw!). The result: An Add-On with higher quality piano sounds, with 49 instead of 13 notes! :o

Contents: V1.0
49 notes, from C2 (Two octaves below Middle C) to C6 (Two octaves above Middle C). This includes all sharps between C2 and C6 too!
Higher quality piano wavs than the original Piano Sounds Add-On
Each sound is exactly 1 second long
The file size is about 2.5 Mb (please consider that the sounds are of semi-high quality and there are a whopping 49 of them!)

Changes: V2.0
All tracks converted to right-sided mono
All tracks cut by .25 seconds in length, for a total of .75 seconds in length
Tracks now gradually fade out
The zip file size is about 1/4 (25%) the size of V1.0! It now only takes up 650 KB when compressed! (1.5 MB when uncompressed)



Now you can have the awesome power of a midi sequencer with an ability to sequence ANY of the 49 piano notes in a piece of music up to about 15 seconds long! Plus, it has 1 and 2x speed, a loop on/off option, buttons to clear certain areas of the board but not others, and more!

WARNING: I haven't tested the sequencer for compatibility with v2.0. It most likely still works fine, but don't come complaining if you find some bug with it. I plan on testing it with the sequencer within 12 hours of posting this message (As I post this I am about to fall asleep, and cannot work anymore on the add-on.)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 12:00:30 PM by gondor2222 »

This + Midi-Sequencer.

i was thinking abot making a piano then playing notes on it

I applaud you, good sir.

Umm, skill4life gave this same thing to jorgur...i think you got it from skill4life

Umm, skill4life gave this same thing to jorgur...i think you got it from skill4life
Indeed , something was going on in that Suggestions & Requests topic...

Umm, skill4life gave this same thing to jorgur...i think you got it from skill4life

I created this from scratch >.> I'm sure somebody else has probably made something like this, but I couldn't find one available to the public so i made my own.

The Uber Midi Sequencer save file has been released! :o

The file is actually 2.6 MB
(Just sayin)  :cookieMonster:

WOAH!!! Thats an Insane Sequencer thingy.

I would hate to download these from a server. :/

I would hate to download these from a server. :/

That's why you download them from the forums :D


Very nice work. I really love this soundpack.

The only problems I found with the sounds:
 • The biggest problem: All the WAVs are in stereo format, so no matter how far away from the brick you are (up to a certain distance of course) the sound plays at full volume. In other words, the sound is either "on" or "off", without the normal "closer=louder" trait which mono sounds have. The thing is, I can't decide if it's better the way it is now or the "correct" way. I would say if it's not too much trouble, please make all the WAVs mono. It'll also cut down on the filesize quite a bit.
 • This is just a matter of opinion, but maybe one second is a bit too long to hold the note. Sure it's good for sustained notes but when you have a lot of notes playing together (common in the case of a sequencer) the additional length can make the notes run together and really clash. Maybe make the length half a second or so? Just a suggestion.
 • Lastly, another subjective thing, but on some of the notes, you can tell where they cut off after one second. I would suggest maybe adding a bit of fadeout at the end of the notes so the cut is less "jarring" and obvious.

Other than those slight issues though, this is a great add-on for musicians like myself. Now you can make almost any piece of piano music you can think of. I guess that's the only really practical purpose it has though; making music.

tl;dr: It would be better if the WAVs were mono, a half-second long, and had a bit of fadeout. Other than that, awesome work.

Doesn't work at all.

Has no .cs file. I added a description and fixed the folder and it didn't work.

All it contains is a jpg and a .bls

I was excited too. I was gonna make a midi editor that plays Wizards in Winter.

Whoops I'm a dumbass.

Wrong file.