Author Topic: The Surgeon-I think ill spam the Suggetion and Requests with stupid ideas  (Read 1139 times)

He has more the 9 topics of crap List
Tape Messuare
Mini Nuke Gun
New Hook Shot
Large Glass Sliding Door
Grappling Hook
Glas Spinning door
Smart Missle
Roller Skates Or Blades
Vehicle Trailer

Thats to much and some of these could be easily made with events and bricks.
Theres a Hookshot theres a  grappling hook but failed Roller Skates impossible.
Large glass sliding door givee that Idea To Phydeaox.
Mini nuke to lagging he projectil.
Vehcile Trailer Impossible
Tape messure ok but would take some time to make and not right now

What a good drama, I'm suprised nobody thought of it before!

Osht sorry,didnt see yours locking.

doble post crap Cant lock sht

Lol, epic fail.

But at least your avatar made me laugh.

Vehcile Trailer Impossible
In Blockland, most of things are possible.
This is possible

isnt this the third topic

Rollerskates impossible?

In Blockland, most of things are possible.
This is possible
orly how

orly how
Vehicle vehicle and trailer vehicle. A simple thingy attaches them.

Vehicle vehicle and trailer vehicle. A simple thingy attaches them.

loving Magnets