Author Topic: H1N1 Contained?  (Read 3326 times)

When I got the vaccine, I didn't feel anything.
If anything, the one that you smell is worse.

Vaccines were overrated.

They should have just gotten it the normal way, and got a week or two off school.
I felt bad the first day I had it, and that was because I felt too sick to eat.

Other than that it's WOO DAYS OFF WITH NO WORK HURR

It only got as bad as it was (which, in fact, was incredibly insignificant) because Mexico.

Simply because Mexico.

They're just worried about H1N1 because it will turn people into flying zombie pigs.

They were worried because nobody has a natural immunity to H1N1. Also the reason you people without vaccines don't get sick is because most of the population has received vaccines

Oh no, it'll be back, in an enormous deadly wave which'll kill loads of people. It's happened before.
I had H1N1 before ;D

We don't need vaccines; We only Spiritual cleansing!

My family tree has a history of being heavily immune to sickness.

I personally have a really good immune system.

It seems whenever everyone around me catches something fairly serious, I end up with just a stuffy nose or something. My mom works at an Alzheimer's center, so she's always bringing home whatever nasty bug is going around, but I never catch it.

I haven't been actually sick in years. It probably comes from the fact that no matter how many cuts, scrapes, colds, or flu strains I got as a kid, I never treated any of them.

I suppose the saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" describes it nicely.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 01:10:22 PM by dkamm65 »

I have not been sick in several years :o

I forgot what it felt like

did you guys hear why they had to change the name to H1n1?

it's cause when Nexon was president he said we will have a black president when pigs fly

did you guys hear why they had to change the name to H1n1?

it's cause when Nexon was president he said we will have a black president when pigs fly

I really wish I knew what the forget you were trying to say.

Heh, I got H1N1.  Went to the hospital only because it temporarily caused symptoms of the asthma I grew out of as a little kid to come back.

Also, explanation of why H1N1 looks really bad and potentially couldn't been bad, but wasn't:

Strains of Flu are masters of changing themselves.  This is why vaccines for only temporary.  They make vaccines for what they guess will be the major strains in the coming year.  However after some time those flu viruses will have changed too much for the old vaccines to be effective.

The reason H1N1 was so bad was because it was a type of flu which changed very rapidly.  This rapid mutation allowed it to become a very powerful form of flu within a population of pigs.  At some point, it mutated enough to jump into humans, probably at a pig farm.  At that point it was a very violent strain of flu which could effect humans, allowing it to spread quickly.  However the strain's strength of rapid mutation worked against itself.  As it spread and mutated, it came down from its peak of being a dangerous strain, and by the time it hit the majority of the population it was nothing more than a somewhat bad at most flu.

Bonus Fact: In terms of how rapidly they mutate, Hiv is like super flu.

did you guys hear why they had to change the name to H1n1?

it's cause when Nexon was president he said we will have a black president when pigs fly
Wrong.  They changed it because people are too stupid to realize that they can't get it from pigs.

This reminds me of the Pandemic topic I made when H1N1 was first starting to get popular.

H1N1 is a government made Virus so they can sell Medicine and get monies.


I mean really? The Bird Flu. The Swine Flu.



Some people got it here, then when swine flu was kind of getting over the government ordered lots of vaccines. Nobody wanted the vaccines then anymore and most went just bad. Lol.
But I myself don't get vaccines much. Only these ones I had to get at school.