Author Topic: People And Racism  (Read 558 times)

I know racism is bad and all im not tribal but what really pisses me off is that poor minorities in bad communities are always complaining "why do we have to live here the white people are making us" or Al Sharpton or Jessies Jackson saying something like "Only Whites can commit hate crimes"
And whenever someone says somthing tribal about miniorites they freak out and cry out in rage. But meanwhile we have gang bangers killing white babies and people saying "The only way we can stop the White race is kill there babies" BUT NO ONE GIVES A stuff ANYMORE!
Im not tribal i don't hate blacks or anything i just don't like the stupid minorities saying all this BS and getting away with it.
This is a "White Power" site but im not a skin head these are just recorded attacks of minorities on whites.
Im not a skin head and do not own this site
Also note that this site is hosted by a group called Storm Front. That is a White SupremCIAt Group and it will say at the bottom Hosted By Stormfront.
If you are offended do not go there.

You're arguing in the wrong country, bro.

meanwhile we have gang bangers killing white babies and people saying "The only way we can stop the White race is kill there babies"


brother please, stop using KFC's free WiFi.

brother please, stop using KFC's free WiFi.
Stop trying furcigarette.

Also related to this thread: Yea, you have a point, white people (and black people) have been saying this for a long time but nobody ever does stuff with it because to be a tribal in today's society is to be akin to a baby-rapist.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 11:28:29 AM by JAW959 »

We need a Riddler that does stuff right. Blacks then jews.  :cookieMonster:

Pigment of skin really changes personality.

Op is stupid. Only white people can be tribal. Everyone knows that!

Nice avatar btw, Metal Slug 2 ftw.