Author Topic: Girl  (Read 1649 times)

I think this girl in my yr might have a crush on me
1.shes always lookin at me friend says she does
i dont belive he was sayin truth

is there any other ways i could tell

You're like 8, stop worrying about girls.

You're like 8, stop worrying about girls.
He's 898 years old.

What is up with these threads lately? She's probably not looking at you most of the time, just your general direction.

You're 898 and you can't read minds yet?

dood i think dis girl at my skool likes me cauz i have buttsecks with her every time i see her and i dink she links me ps im 3

What is up with these threads lately? She's probably not looking at you most of the time, just your general direction.
yer probs but still

dood i think dis girl at my skool likes me cauz i have buttsecks with her every time i see her and i dink she links me ps im 3

1.shes always lookin at me


Jonue, if you want help (although I never understood why people come to an online forum, let alone this one, for such a thing) please try to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. We need to be able to clearly understand you in order to help you.

Also, from what I could tell from the original post, you shouldn't worry about girls just yet. I highly doubt you are mature enough to handle a decent relationship, and I believe you are no where near mature enough to handle the loveual part of said relationship. I'm not saying this to be mean, but rather to be honest. Even though I don't know you, I am trying to look out for what I think is best for you.

This thread is hilarious antics.

Jonue, if you want help (although I never understood why people come to an online forum, let alone this one, for such a thing) please try to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. We need to be able to clearly understand you in order to help you.

Also, from what I could tell from the original post, you shouldn't worry about girls just yet. I highly doubt you are mature enough to handle a decent relationship, and I believe you are no where near mature enough to handle the loveual part of said relationship. I'm not saying this to be mean, but rather to be honest. Even though I don't know you, I am trying to look out for what I think is best for you.
Posted at the exact same time.