Author Topic: These Kids Wear Crowns  (Read 2127 times)

Nothing special here...

just wondering if any of you have ever heard of them, if you live in Canada you might of seen them on disband.

They now have a recording contract and are signed, i grew up with two of the members and i'm very proud of them!


ohhhh its a band
I was expecting something else

Music is good.
Lyrics are WTF!?
Their voices are lol wut?

Overall, they're alright I guess. Btw that guys sounds like an even more gay version of Owl City. I mean Owl City isn't bad but still.

ohhhh its a band
I was expecting something else
I hate it when that happens.  Some interesting topic comes up, but its only a name of a band.

It's decent. I like the synth parts, though I'm used to metal instead of "poppy" sounds.

I hate it when that happens.  Some interesting topic comes up, but its only a name of a band.

haha sorry :P

I hate it when that happens.  Some interesting topic comes up, but its only a name of a band.
"Supersonic nuclear fractal suction"

okay that was awful
the music not what snaffle said

Sounds like Owl City, only that Owl City is good.

Sounds like Owl City, only that Owl City is good.
All their songs sound the same

Just like Dragonforce

Fast guitar.

Fast guitar everywhere.
Same stuffty music;

Same stuffty music everywhere.

Eh, they're decent. Their music needs some serious polishing though, this is mediocre at best.