Author Topic: What is the first thing your gunna do when you get retail?  (Read 4622 times)

spawn everything, use everything, look at everything, destroy everything

Wouldnt you downloading it and getting it be the same thing?

I i do get it....put it on ebay and the highest bidder gets the code?  :cookieMonster:

I'm probaly going to have to get used to the new controls and inventory and building stuff.

I'm gonna install it and then configure it. Then join a server.

I would go on it, and try to query master, only to find out internet hasn't existed for 500 years (You never said WHEN they'd get it :P)

And we'd make all the bricks jello and pink and if someone joined they'd go "OMFG PINK JELLO FOREST!"

I'm going to make the city of my dreams.
I have always wanted to make a really big city but never could have because of limits of the old version of bl/rtb :(

I'll help. Don't worry I won't screw up :cookieMonster: