
Should the maximum projectile speed be removed/raised?

62 (58.5%)
No change
8 (7.5%)
36 (34%)

Total Members Voted: 106

Author Topic: Maximum Projectile Speed - v17 Suggestion/ Discussion  (Read 4256 times)

Make your map smaller. The only time instant-hit guns get overpowered is when everything except those weapons have no actual chance of hitting.

A max speed of like 400 would be nice, though.

It would be nice to have a sniper rifle fire at a much higher velocity; the current limit makes long range shooting painfully slow. Unfortunately, every gun made would start firing at the new max velocity which I think is stupid.

I think that raising it would be good, but only by 100.
200 would be good, because it wouldn't be that bad, and it would fit well with blockland.

DMs which snipers are too slow are stupid. You spend so much time getting to the destination just to be simply killed.

It's too much like life :(

Unfortunately, every gun made would start firing at the new max velocity which I think is stupid.
Yeah, if only there was some guys who edited all of the weapon's projectile speeds to be scaled properly before they were released. Would never happen though.

I think that raising it would be good, but only by 100.
200 would be good, because it wouldn't be that bad, and it would fit well with blockland.

It's already at 200.

Unfortunately, every gun made would start firing at the new max velocity which I think is stupid.

You could always edit the weapons in your server...

It's already at 200.

You could always edit the weapons in your server...
I shouldn't have to.

Real bullets almost travel like a raycast, this would help for sniper rifles because it doesn't take 10 seconds for a bullet to reach the other side of a map, and it also doesn't take 0 seconds.

Real bullets almost travel like a raycast, this would help for sniper rifles because it doesn't take 10 seconds for a bullet to reach the other side of a map, and it also doesn't take 0 seconds.
Exactly. It shouldn't be easy to snipe someone like that, but it should be possible.

Blockland, it's not supposed to be ultra-realistic.

Blockland, it's not supposed to be ultra-realistic.

There's an ocean of difference between realism and wanting sniper rifles that shoot bullets that can go faster than 500 metres (estimate bro) a minute

Blockland, it's not supposed to be ultra-realistic.
Okay lets make the max speed 10. Because we don't want realism right? Let's make things completely ridiculous.

Moved without a comment?

I'm not sure why he put this here. It was also a discussion. And the only person who I'm suggesting this to is Badspot.