Author Topic: New Crosshair  (Read 6974 times)

:D finnaly finished it!!

yep its centered and its transparrent :3
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ____
How it looks like

Looks similar to another cross hair I've seen.

first post?

Yes, do so now and lock this topic.
When we say lock, we mean now.

When we say lock, we mean now.

He's really slow about locking his stuff.

You made a crosshair? What an idiot.
You uploaded an image to a filesharing site when we can all get it from here? What an idiot.
You, never mind.

Stolen, One, I have this, Two, I downloaded from Nerdy. Here is the link
and I helped him make them centered and transparent, look further in the post, about 7 or 8 comments later.
And i suggest you lock this now...
:D finnaly finished it!!
Date Registered:   Yesterday at 09:11:22 AM

Hah, nice try kid, i can tell you did not make this... you just joined yesterday, and you think you're going to copy people's things that quick?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 07:02:37 PM by Beefyrulz »

Another thing about all you jackasses who bitch and complain about crosshairs and UI,
just shut up, And you all act like people NEED to listen to you, for example...
Yes, do so now and lock this topic.
When we say lock, we mean now.
He's really slow about locking his stuff.
Now answer me this, Does anyone, Anyone in the WORLD have to listen to anyone who is just as equal as they are? I know your answer "YUS TROLOLOL", But you and I both know, no one does. Now tell me, Why do we listen to Badspot? Because he is the creator of Blockland, and we don't want to get banned or anything like that, Why do we listen to admins in a server, because we don't want to get kicked or banned, Along with hosts of servers.
But Have you noticed that, If there is no one to keep you in line, you do whatever the hell you want. For instance a dedicated server, The host might leave and now you are free to spawn kill or team kill or glitch, Whatever pleases thy troll heart.
Finally, Why... Why would anyone in there right mind... Listen, to a random stranger that no one knows or cares about... Sure fame/Infamy might be a factor, but I don't care if you're the greatest being in all of blockland, If you aren't an administrator or a moderator of any shape form or size, You are just as equal as me a 1 year vet. to blockland, as apposed to someone who just bought the game, and when provoked, I will treat you just like any other player in the whole game, I will hound you like a mofo.
Just one last thing before I hit that MAGICAL button to let all you trolls under your bridges see my message, You obviously do not know that a crosshair is considered an add-on as depicted by badspot and ephialtes, because just if you hadn't noticed, have you ever seen a SINGLE crosshair or UI edit EVER moved/Deleted? No, No you have not, And would you like to know WHY? Because the administrators of blockland  Say that crosshairs are indeed "Add-Ons".
Good day troll's/trolless's
*Flame Expected, and I couldn't care less*

Stop acting like your'e smart.
Also guys stop bumping this.

Quote from: A.R.C
rofl im 10 and on the internet xD trol

Another thing about all you jackasses who bitch and complain about crosshairs and UI,
just shut up, And you all act like people NEED to listen to you, for example...

Quote from: pecon7 on September 19, 2010, 12:13:14 PM
Yes, do so now and lock this topic.
Quote from: man of smart on September 19, 2010, 12:48:26 PM
When we say lock, we mean now.
Quote from: fionnbharr1 on Yesterday at 12:37:12 AM
He's really slow about locking his stuff.
Now answer me this, Does anyone, Anyone in the WORLD have to listen to anyone who is just as equal as they are? I know your answer "YUS TROLOLOL", But you and I both know, no one does. Now tell me, Why do we listen to Badspot? Because he is the creator of Blockland, and we don't want to get banned or anything like that, Why do we listen to admins in a server, because we don't want to get kicked or banned, Along with hosts of servers.
But Have you noticed that, If there is no one to keep you in line, you do whatever the hell you want. For instance a dedicated server, The host might leave and now you are free to spawn kill or team kill or glitch, Whatever pleases thy troll heart.
Finally, Why... Why would anyone in there right mind... Listen, to a random stranger that no one knows or cares about... Sure fame/Infamy might be a factor, but I don't care if you're the greatest being in all of blockland, If you aren't an administrator or a moderator of any shape form or size, You are just as equal as me a 1 year vet. to blockland, as apposed to someone who just bought the game, and when provoked, I will treat you just like any other player in the whole game, I will hound you like a mofo.
Just one last thing before I hit that MAGICAL button to let all you trolls under your bridges see my message, You obviously do not know that a crosshair is considered an add-on as depicted by badspot and ephialtes, because just if you hadn't noticed, have you ever seen a SINGLE crosshair or UI edit EVER moved/Deleted? No, No you have not, And would you like to know WHY? Because the administrators of blockland  Say that crosshairs are indeed "Add-Ons".
Good day troll's/trolless's
*Flame Expected, and I couldn't care less*

This dude is right you idiots and ill add you just flame cause you want to be cool and all that stuff like other which is stupied and did i say you are all stupied jackasses that need to grow up