Author Topic: Parkour video on blockland  (Read 2852 times)

Creative =/= fast
Exactly. Parkour was invented by the French Army or something. I'm pretty sure the Army doesn't waste their time doing things creatively for fun.

Exactly. Parkour was invented by the French Army or something. I'm pretty sure the Army doesn't waste their time doing things creatively for fun.
They're french

they dance to dodge bullets and fuel their guns with cheese

Parkour: To get to point A to point B as creativly as possible

Parkour is getting from point A to point B as efficiently as possible using only the resources of the human body. Do you actually do parkour? Or do you just think its cool and want to make a video on it..

Street Running is the creative one.

Street Running is the creative one.
Its Free RUnning.. I can barely do anything in that category.. Im better at just Parkour.

Its Free RUnning.. I can barely do anything in that category.. Im better at just Parkour.
Lol, whatever.

They're french

they dance to dodge bullets and fuel their guns with cheese

biatch im part french
i do the matrix to dodge bullets and fuel my guns with the blood of my enemys

They're french

they dance to dodge bullets and fuel their guns with cheese

Actually Parkour is a french martial art.. It was meant to be used in war for them to escape (I guess) Or move efficiently in there environment. It was started after David Bell created it. Free running was added later by people who wanted to add "style" to it

This has been made.
It sucked.

Parkour on Blockland?
No, seriously, it will never work, even if you use a gamemode for it.

You are Right Aphtonites, It will never work.

i would love to be an actor and i brought sandvichs