Author Topic: How did you come up with your name? and its history?  (Read 15732 times)

I'm gonna be truthful here.
A few years ago, I got my first Gundam Model Kit.

As you guessed, it was Wing Zero. I thought the name was pretty cool, so I used it in Blockland.

My name comes from a name I used in RTB 1.045; NicoSgaNg, which I derived from my real name Nikolai. So when I started playing RBL I changed my name to Niko'S, but for some reason the ' didn't show up in game so I changed it to NikoS

Dark just came on the top of my mind.

At the time of me choosing "Jam_Jar" I had just finished eating some toast with jam on it. It was the last of the jam in the jar and that jar was sitting on my desk, so I sat there looking at this jar for a while and it clicked...
Just from looking at a damn object!
Now I use it just about every where I can sign up to over the internet (Unless I have to add numbers).

The names supposed to be TMAN76. And i'll be completely honest here, my last account, for the oddest reason (TMAN76) would not work.
I made a new account with the same e-mail that i used for the other one.
It came from Sherwood online. Yeah.

I also came up with other names, Colbac, yourself, And some others.
Colbac came to be when i found out that TMAN76 would not work sometimes. I took the words coal and back, and got rid of the a in coal and the k in back. Now its Colbac. I dont think thats actually how you say it, but it just sticks. plus, Coalback doesnt make much sense to me.

Yourself Came from playing Call of duty 4 (Inb4flame). i needed to think of a name, and the killcam gave the name of the player that killed you, so it looked like you killed "yourself". I think it also works the other way around, it showed the person you killed in the middle of the screen i think.

 Well, for my in-game name, §Circuit±Breaker§, I drew this epic looking power-suit thing and wanted a cool name for it. The colors were electric blues, so there came the "Circuit", and because it has highly destructive powers when corrupted by Kkryonitte(something I came up with), came the "Breaker". The alt codes came in for no apparent reason. And because of the origin of "Breaker", if CircuitBreaker doesn't work, I use DarkCircuitBreaker because KkryonitteCircuitBreaker rarely fits. DarkCircuitBreaker is my current YouTube name, lol. And because I liked the name CircuitBreaker, I've included it in my book, Millennium Force and have given it to my main character, Magnus(who is named after me, also because "Magnus" means "great".
 Carolcat came from my nickname being "Carol" and I love cats. So, "Carolcat".

used to be obsessed with runescape. i saw someone named "le gir" in v8 and his clan tags were purple girafeso i made rune scape

My name came from not being able to come up with a good name, Then figuring out you can use symbols in your name.

My current one is derived from "MegaScience," which I first used on MapleStory because Green Lantern (a long time ago famous Blockland builder) was named UltraScience on it. Although he was smart enough to barely play it at all.

My name comes from a name I used in RTB 1.045; NicoSgaNg, which I derived from my real name Nikolai. So when I started playing RBL I changed my name to Niko'S, but for some reason the ' didn't show up in game so I changed it to NikoS

used to be obsessed with runescape. i saw someone named "le gir" in v8 and his clan tags were purple girafeso i made rune scape

Your clantags make "run ape."

Pirates of the Caribbean because I steal names because i'm cool because I steal names.

I was in a chatroom before, and everyone called me Mill. So I stuck with that, then I wanted to create a name after that.
And I said I need something with a Z. And My sis said "Czarr"? So I put it together and boom "MillCzarr".

But, after I created the Account, my sis noticed it was spelled wrong. But don't matter. I luv it :3

Ephialtes betrayed the greeks in the war with the persians at the battle of Thermopylae.
Holy forget.

We just studied the Battle of Marathon today, and then the Battle of 300.