Author Topic: Stupid Presentation At Nearby School  (Read 3534 times)

Its funny becuase this stuff they tell you never works

The only way to solve a bullying problem is intimidation and to put him/her in his or her place with your fists

Its funny becuase this stuff they tell you never works

The only way to solve a bullying problem is intimidation and to put him/her in his or her place with your fists
or come to school with hidden armor and antagonize them until they put a beating on you and they get expelled

The only way to stop bullying is to make like the Columbine and shoot some mofos.

The only way to stop bullying is to make like the Columbine and shoot some mofos.
Hey friend, my cousin's mother's sister's twice removed aunt's granddaughter's brother died in that shooting!

I have about 350 kids in my school

Its Pre-k-8.  They are shutting down because they don't have enough money to keep it up because of how little kids we have.  Its a catholic school.

Show up, shut up, and pay some damn attention to the presentation that somebody had to sacrifice their time to make just for you and your 41 friends.

Hey friend, my cousin's mother's sister's twice removed aunt's granddaughter's brother died in that shooting!
o my im sory did i ofen u/???///??

When I had one of these in middle school they played Limp Bizkit and showed flashed clips of American History X and dead black people and people being an hero

Lol, small snake school.

My school has atleast 1000 students

My school has 2,400 students. :o

same, school has like 1,000 - 1,200