Author Topic: Girl at my high school gets stabbed... WTF?!  (Read 5678 times)

Pshhh my school has at least 3 fights every day, drug deals, and some young Kings and GD's.

As a matter of fact, this saturday I have to go to court for a fight I got in.

Highschool is srsly srs.

lol you are stupid. you think only a few rare people are capable of this?
stuff ive stabbed someone as well. but i dont wander the streets as some kind of murderer that you think this girl must be.
why the hell did you stab someone

lol you are stupid. you think only a few rare people are capable of this?
stuff ive stabbed someone as well. but i dont wander the streets as some kind of murderer that you think this girl must be.

she couldve ambushed me or sumthin. :C

well, anyway. yeah. youll'd have to have some seriously deep stuff going on in the head to prompt you to stab someone becuase you hate them. coincidental thing was, on a minimum day, i was alone cause my friends didnt have the same brunch as me (minimum day stuff and other stuff, dont ask) a girl named Erica came up to me and asked if I was ok (apparently i looked sad or sumthin), and we greeted eachother and talked for like a minute. the girl who was stabbed was named Erica. it was a white female at age 16, and the girl i met looked about 16. Im kinda sad cause if it was her i'd be all like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUU-

she couldve ambushed me or sumthin. :C

well, anyway. yeah. youll'd have to have some seriously deep stuff going on in the head to prompt you to stab someone becuase you hate them. coincidental thing was, on a minimum day, i was alone cause my friends didnt have the same brunch as me (minimum day stuff and other stuff, dont ask) a girl named Erica came up to me and asked if I was ok (apparently i looked sad or sumthin), and we greeted eachother and talked for like a minute. the girl who was stabbed was named Erica. it was a white female at age 16, and the girl i met looked about 16. Im kinda sad cause if it was her i'd be all like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUU-
sounds like a very visual novel situation, son.

we have two quite literal gangs, 2 drug dealers, and a girl that sells alchohol in water bottles, out of her locker.
The gangs are bad, after a the school band played at a football game, i went to the bathroom, and when i came out, almost got my throught slit.

Pshhh my school has at least 3 fights every day, drug deals, and some young Kings and GD's.

As a matter of fact, this saturday I have to go to court for a fight I got in.

Highschool is srsly srs.

Boy. You people go to forgeted up schools

yeah some guy killed himself last year at my school

Boy. You people go to forgeted up schools

not mine. :C

this is actually EXTREMELY rare

Considering I work at one of the best schools staetwide, I anticipate such a thing and am always prepared. Do not ask how.

Ohdear. :c

Why was there "hate" apparently between them? :c

Wish something interesting happened at my school.

Most exciting thing was 2 chicks got arrested for doing weed in the bathroom.

oh wow, that happened to my Jnr. High a year ago.

and i'm a goddamn english teacher.
Haha, yeah right.