Author Topic: A drama thread about several things and people.  (Read 12548 times)

Yes, Several people who get my goat. Who are still annoying or just started being so.
If you're not on the list I don't think you annoying :cookieMonster:
I am not going to use quotes either because that's just not right for this thread. I am stating what I see wrong with the people and that I'm lazy. If you don't agree then okay.

So let the drama begin

He's annoying because he is. I cannot think of many base reasons except that he thinks he controls everything in the community board.

And when confronted about this, he turns to violent behavior. It's usually because he doesn't get his way that he starts in with the attitude.

He's annoying for the sole fact that he not only acts like a girl for kicks, he says all this stuff about "Women's rights"

The guy's homoloveual apparently. He started a whole fight about me being loveist because I didn't agree with him.

Canto xe:
EVERYBODY I DON'T IS ANNOYING. Or as it seems. I am starting off with the people that are so annoying that it aggravates me.

Canto is just seven kinds of mind shagging annoying-ness. He's one of those guys who you think to yourself "Oh no knot this guy" when he posts on the thread you're browsing. And it doesn't help he's uneducated and a control freak.

Previous, Rookie, and all those other people I've made a drama topic about under a week:
STOP BEING MEAN! I mean it. These guys feed off of anger for some reason. Like say they never got any attention as a child and they fill in the void of no attention by making people mad at them.

All I have to do about them is move on but I cannot because it's too sad D:

More annoying people!

This guy isn't that self aware when it comes to social interaction. Or online social interaction. He's one of the people that will say he's a furry, then call you a jerk when you call him one.

"I know your IP I can make you look like an alt"

A control freak, a jerk, an annoyance, a supremest and lastly an ignorant big baby.

You know why nobody likes him.

He's gotta be the one step better then you. He's got to be the scholar in everything. Ephialtes makes RTB, Kalphiter gets banned for being a door knob and he gets so mad at not getting his way he decides to make his own RTB!


White knights and ignorance abound. This guy isn't as annoying as some people but still annoying. I've found cases of him standing up for a point that's completely stupid. But when it comes down to it I just don't like him because he's better than everybody and my snake is tiny.

First you say you're a girl. Then you say you're a guy. And now because you're now a guy, people can't talk to you if you don't want them to. Boo hoo, people knew you were a guy. It was obvious from the start.

Hell, I was stupid and said I was a girl for laughs. But that was for laughs. I guess people were smarter than I thought. Anyways, you're stupid lol

That's right, I just put myself in this list!

Oh yeah, this will get some major attention!

People, stop making drama topics about yourself. It doesn't work that way.

Magick Mage is so nice:
You're not cool by saying this. Stop picking on him because he has the stones to not actually contribute to the mindless arguing that takes place 24/7.

"Off Topic is my favorite blog!":
The fact that you actually know what a blog looks like astounds me.

Off topic isn't a blog so shut your face, you're a blog!

ICYGAMMA WON'T TOUCH MY snake :roosterieMonster:

That's all.

It's a serious topic. Stop calling stupid people fat. You have to have at least an ounce of intelligence to engorge yourself. That's why stupid people are skinny.

And it's also insulting fat people like Bill Gates and 74.16% of our presidents

Shut up about religion or I'll do something about it.

I have nothing against furries. What I do have anything against is the thirteen topics a day about furries, or how every wholesome discussion turns into a furry war.

If you don't like it, who cares?
If you are a furry, who cares?

"You said you don't care! BANBANBAN":
You don't get banned for saying "who cares?"

You get banned for saying dismissive things towards the topic itself. You're not going to get an enlarged snake for reporting people for this stupid mistake.

So I heard you like drama. He's always mad about something. Just like my brother.

If it's not one thing it's the other. Control freak too. He's so insecure he thinks everybody's out to get him and that every joke that is made towards him will kill him.

Stupidity be here.

Just stupidity. That's it.

Go away! Nobody needs you!


He's always so mad because people don't like him for being mad all the time.
That's a paradox right?

If you don't like it, shut up and don't post about it.

I would actually like to see you actually try the freakin' game for a day.

He's so smart! Not really. He thinks dissing things everybody else agrees with makes him better than us!

Of course that's the only way to get ahead in life.

Annoying and stupid. Peanut butter and jelly. love and waffles.

Just like five hundred other people, he is annoying because he's stupid.

He's just like a lot of other people!

It's actually getting annoying itself for that the abundance of so many people JUST like this guy.

Stop being annoying and be more self-aware!

I'm getting tired of putting very annoying people in individual lists, so I'll list the rest here!

Agent Awsome
bloody jumper
duke 838

Night Fox:
Leave the poor guy alone.

You seem to be addicted to making him sad.


And caps lock is my butt buddy

Thank you all for scrolling to the bottom of this thread right after clicking on it.

im not on the list
also, at first glance i thought this was "a drama thread about seventhsandwich"

I finally get a drama mentioning its you scarasticallying saying im better than everyone else?

Sorry, I'm horrible at sarcasm

I agree with everything on that list except dusty12

for personal reasons

serriously though, i try not to be ignorant? and excuse the bad grammar, im on a phone

serriously though, i try not to be ignorant? and excuse the bad grammar, im on a phone

forget your phone. Try harder

I agree with everything on that list except dusty12

for personal reasons
and pew446, I've never had a problem with him.

Right, anyway, what completly stupid points are you reffering to?

Right, anyway, what completly stupid points are you reffering to?

Almost every instance of you defending something.

It really just looks like you wanted to post a big topic.

You're just mad that you have a drama topic for being annoying.

I agree with a couple of these.

Specifically Dusty12 and Kalphiter.

I think you just listed most of the major users on this forum.

I think you just listed most of the major users on this forum.


I just listed people I thought annoying.