
What do you think of them?

Best music ever.
I like them.
They're okay.
I don't really like them.
Not my style.
Never heard of them.
I've heard the music before, but not the band.

Author Topic: Gorillaz  (Read 2755 times)

I loving hate the art style. But some of the music is ok.

Feel Good Inc., Rhinestone Eyes, and Kids With Guns are the only ones I can say I enjoy.

I like them. I like all their music. But I don't love them.

Some kind of Nature is good IMO.

I like The Prodigy and stuff though, and a =http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N505JczoEGIgood bit of other stuff.

Demon Days was their best. Also I now know what that stuff song called Dare I have on Blockland is.

Thanks for telling me.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 08:01:10 PM by TechnoPop »

this topic just got merphed  :cookieMonster:

They're awesome, chick in my class spent a good 5 minutes telling me how hot the main singer is then started showing me images of him while her Boyfriend just sat next to her not noticing.

Some of their music isn't as great as others but most of it is good, I like how its not the same consistent type of music.

Haven't heard much by them but I do like a handful songs off of the Demon Days album.

I like how its not the same consistent type of music.
Finally somebody else thinks this.

I like Demon Days Album.


Superfast forgetin' Jellyfish.