Author Topic: What are YOU gonna be for Halloween?  (Read 10341 times)

Im gonna be a scout, and instead of passing out candy, im passing out bonks. Also, Ill go around the neighboorhood at super fast speed, jacking candy.

Im gonna wear a stuff costume for the candies.

I'm just going to do what I do every year. Stay at home.
*Knock knock*
*Opens Door*
"Twik or tweet!!"
"Aah, yes. A princess. Come on in. I put the candy in the kitchen."

Something/someone from silent hill.

Maybe Harry mason.

Probably James sunderland, since I have the same hair color as him.


Probably not going trick or treating, but hopefully a creeper :D

A creep bear......I think..........


 I wanted to be a viking.

 Is anyone gonna be Godzilla?

  Anyways, I'm going to be one of my book characters...

A Self Delete bomber.



Ffff, nothing.
I've probably already complained about not having Halloween where I live.

No halloween over here. :(

Anyone in there right mind will be playing Minecraft all that day. The real thing i'm looking forward to is Mischief night.