Author Topic: Ninja face done(with trans)  (Read 12025 times)

Dude, put some effort into your decals/faces ._.

 It doesn't matter if you post one an hour, it matters if they're good. I think this dude's just trying to get popular...

Dude, I Agree!

i suggest you lock this to stop anymore idiotic flaming.
LOL and he doesn't lock it

Even as a first post i dont think you put any effort into it please try much much harder next time


This makes me wanna THROW UP

then don't bump this you idiots

it was at the top when i posted it -.- now guy plz stop bumping this

Didnt jirue make one?

« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 02:27:39 PM by DuckHunter »

What the forget is this stuff?