Author Topic: JackB/Vanado/Jackfalcon etc.  (Read 1942 times)

He's only 9 you know, and I must say although well, all of the above, he's the most pleasant 9-year-old I have ever seen.
Hes 9?
Wow, really?

Hes 9?
Wow, really?
how vanado acts:
1.Using f7 to cheat
2.Reset minigame when die
3.shut downs server when not winning
4.kicks/bans randomly
5. ???
6. no profit!

I've been to his server multiple times. I know he uses F7, but he doesn't do the other stuff. That's just not him.

I've been to his server multiple times. I know he uses F7, but he doesn't do the other stuff. That's just not him.
Yes he does, i always go on his server. He does do that, infact right now im banned for calling him a cigarettegrt when he killed me.
And i was just kidding :\

Don't go to his server, then.

I hate that meanie face :c

His new name is MrJack.
I joined his server and was angry. :c

I IRCed Jack, and he said that your lieing Nethog. I dunno if I should believe you or Jack.

I IRCed Jack, and he said that your lieing Nethog. I should believe nethog.

He told me he's poiuyt, I think.

He rages too much when he dies and hates the people that kill him.

how vanado acts:
1.Using f7 to cheat
2.Reset minigame when die
3.shut downs server when not winning
4.kicks/bans randomly
5. ???
6. no profit!

Still better than most 9 year olds.

I IRCed Jack, and he said that your lieing Nethog. I dunno if I should believe you or Jack.
Hesing lieing, infact i joined a sever and he was admin and right away i got banned 1440 minutes reason: I hate u!
Luckly i got unbanned by the host.