
Do this add-on hit the specifications for blockland

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46 (19.5%)
Who cares
57 (24.2%)

Total Members Voted: 234

Author Topic: Airsoft Electric UMP. Detailed Texture  (Read 41008 times)

Remove the textures and the hands and add some detail.

Nah. Ima let yall get mad about that and watch this add-on go in the Fail Bin

NAh. Reload animation wont look like it should

what the freak do you mean?

Don't remove the textures, just make them less detailed.
And, a suggestion for the reloading thing.
You run out of ammo, and you insert a new clip in, but if you run out of clips, then you refill it with a speedloader.

Don't remove the textures, just make them less detailed.
And, a suggestion for the reloading thing.
You run out of ammo, and you insert a new clip in, but if you run out of clips, then you refill it with a speedloader.
Couldn't set it as, You run out of ammo, and you insert a new clip in, but if you run out of clips, then you refill it with a speed-loader.

When i asked for help on that,as well as other things, everyone said "No" or "HELL NO". I wish people would help me out on the things I make. I always grant 50% credit.

My solution:
In real life i dont have 2 clips to my UMP. So i have to use the speed-loader every time i reload. Good part about it, it holds like 25 bbs and i dont full auto fire.
So i set the bbs to 50 in Blockland and had it so you have to use speed-loader

I love the animations but when  you run out it keeps reloading and it never gets more ammo :C
Overall its a great gun but you should fix that.

lol, its funny how people never think a person made something when it looks detailed. Please yo, prove to me that its from Sketchup.
I didn't think that, but it's not impossible.
I mean, that model is ridiculously detailed, it probably took at least an hour to make.
Yet the textures look like they would just take a few minutes in a half decent image editor, yet you didn't make them?
Also, since when is someone's first add-on that detailed?
Though I'm not actually accusing you of anything.

I love the animations but when  you run out it keeps reloading and it never gets more ammo :C
Overall its a great gun but you should fix that.
You didnt read it well did you?
When you need to refill your clips, use events.

gives you 50 bbs(1clip)

It got a bug, When you take the gun out you still have it on your back and a clip appears on the side.

I didn't think that, but it's not impossible.
I mean, that model is ridiculously detailed, it probably took at least an hour to make.
Yet the textures look like they would just take a few minutes in a half decent image editor, yet you didn't make them?
Also, since when is someone's first add-on that detailed?
Though I'm not actually accusing you of anything.
My partner at my Game Design class gave em to me for a project we are working on. I decided to use it for blockland.

Wow. So you telling me, sence its detailed, you assume i did not make it? See thats why i dont like making stuff for Blockland. Foos always think you didnt do what you claim.
Its all good. All i gotta say is, to everyone  dont steal my model. If you do, Ill sue for copywright.
I copywright all my stuff because people always try stealing from me. Even when I was modeling for Crime Craft

It got a bug, When you take the gun out you still have it on your back and a clip appears on the side.
I know, once again, no one wanted to help me out on such thinks like this.

I cant download :C When I go to it theres stupid pop ups of TV show websites and a download of a picture.

I cant download :C When I go to it theres stupid pop ups of TV show websites and a download of a picture.
It dont matter to me yo. Ima cancel the link anyway. The people dislike it.

My partner at my Game Design class gave em to me for a project we are working on. I decided to use it for blockland.

Wow. So you telling me, sence its detailed, you assume i did not make it? See thats why i dont like making stuff for Blockland. Foos always think you didnt do what you claim.
Its all good. All i gotta say is, to everyone  dont steal my model. If you do, Ill sue for copywright.
I copywright all my stuff because people always try stealing from me. Even when I was modeling for Crime Craft

Lol copyright.

To me those Textures are damn wicked (lol). Maybe a few weaks, but I think this would be good. I'll download.

I really hope you fix it because i would host a BB server with them :C