Author Topic: ETRV-01  (Read 2061 times)

Experimental Tunneling Research Vehicle

I was bored in school and decided to draw some sort of technological vehicle. This was the result of my efforts:

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It's nice for a doodle but otherwise it's obviously not going to win you any awards.

I award you this award that he awarded to you.

I kind of feel like building this in Blockland, now.

I really like it. :)

I kind of feel like building this in Blockland, now.

I really like it. :)
we could do this
it would be IN REAL LIFE but in blockland

Neat idea.

I can see a book about a whole society living in one of those or something...

Cool beans.

I would have put the storage compartment between the engineering and residential sections. This gives the "residents" additional insulation from the noise, heat, vibration, and potential dangers present in the engineering section. It would also allow them to escape more easily out the rear of the craft.

Another concern is that the force applied to the front drill head will also apply significant lateral torque to any elements of the vehicle touching the edges of the tunnel. This means the tracks would be at risk of being pulled off sideways and would experience considerable losses due to friction. A better idea might be to use screws to propel the craft.

I would have put the storage compartment between the engineering and residential sections. This gives the "residents" additional insulation from the noise, heat, vibration, and potential dangers present in the engineering section. It would also allow them to escape more easily out the rear of the craft.

Good point, though I wasn't exactly putting much thought into it. I just made an engineering area and thought, where do the people go? So I made a residential area. I then thought where does the supplies and the fuel go? So i made a storage area.

If it makes you feel better, the craft is designed to completely separate every section, so it is possible for the rear two compartments to detach and reverse out of danger. Plus, in the event of a tunnel collapse, the residential section is heavily reinforced, and has several automated drones that could drill straight up and send out a distress beacon. A rescue vessel could then drill a larger hole down to the stranded people.

Another concern is that the force applied to the front drill head will also apply significant lateral torque to any elements of the vehicle touching the edges of the tunnel. This means the tracks would be at risk of being pulled off sideways and would experience considerable losses due to friction. A better idea might be to use screws to propel the craft.

The treads are actually designed to remain in neutral, and keep the craft centered in the shaft. They are at full extension in the drawing, but can be pulled in nearly completely to compensate for changes in the tunnel. Plus, the tracks are directly attached to the central superstructure of the vehicle.

Any chance the movie "The Core" inspired this?

Any chance the movie "The Core" inspired this?

Actually, it might have subconsciously given me the idea...

Yeah, it probably had some influence  :cookieMonster:

this would take a year or more to make in-game even more in Real life.

this would take a year or more to make in-game even more in Real life.
lol not really


It needs more defenses :D