Author Topic: Arch bricks  (Read 4530 times)

Hello! I was wondering if anyone would make any arch bricks for BL Retail, as my Maya 8.0 is insanely handicapped. If not I could just poirt over the ones from RtB. Thanks!

no you cant port them

get a real program
like 3DS max 8

Maya is a real program... Also there is no exporter for the format that the bricks are in yet, and I'm not sure if there ever will be one.

You can probably use dts as bricks for now but they will cause more framedrop than the other bricks.

Yeah true... We need to find out how badspot creates *.blb's!

Yeah true... We need to find out how badspot creates *.blb's!

Open them in a text editor  :cookieMonster:

The .blb files aren't models, they just contain all sorts of datalicious stuff about the bricks.


They have two lines of information. | | |

They have two lines of information. | | |

Unless you're talking about a non-square brick. Try opening up a circle or something similar.  :cookieMonster:


Yeah, I see now. Those are only baseplates.

Hrm, wth is this doing in coding help?


He wants help making arch bricks, which involves some coding?