Author Topic: How do i post add ons?  (Read 9933 times)

haha this guy is so loving stupid.

you can hack into government computers and you're so intelligent and you have proper grammar and a wide vocabulary, but you can't post a loving add-on? Please get the forget out. Nobody will think you're cool.

Hey just read my posts more and you will find I can give you proof that I can hack a computer. Also you are trying to say something that makes no sense unless you give me textual evidence because you can't declare something like that without something that will help me understand.
P.S. This is actually fun fending off three or four guys just to prove my point, it is basically a mental exercise.
If you want to prove you can hack a damn computer then hack mine.

Hey you wanted the proof that I can hack the RSA encryption? Well here it is...
The problem with that is it is in the programming language of my graphing calculator. For my graphing calculator to hack the RSA encryption it would definitly take 20 years. With a super computer definitly 5 to 6 years or less. You should also open the Graphingcalculator.vbs The code actually works on my TI-85 graphing calculator. This should do it.

Hey just read my posts more and you will find I can give you proof that I can hack a computer. Also you are trying to say something that makes no sense unless you give me textual evidence because you can't declare something like that without something that will help me understand.
P.S. This is actually fun fending off three or four guys just to prove my point, it is basically a mental exercise.
Hack my computer.
Here, have a hint to start you off, I have windows vista, am on a laptop, and my IP is
Also, "hacking" into a "government system" would most likely get you life in prison for treason.
Assuming you're in the USA, it's probably worse in other countries.
Not that you've been specific about what you can do.
Try being more specific.

EDIT: Yes, I know the .vbs file makes a popup box that says "YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!" and won't let you close it the normal way. Just end task and it's gone. Also, that's highly immature. And none of that code took more than ten seconds, and it dosn't do jack stuff.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 09:54:07 PM by DrenDran »

One I don't want to hack a computer because I would inevitably get caught and there are about 10 people fighting me about this (good mental exercise). Also I don't have the thought in mind to go to Prison at the moment (or ever).

One I don't want to hack a computer because I would inevitably get caught and there are about 10 people fighting me about this (good mental exercise). Also I don't have the thought in mind to go to Prison at the moment (or ever).
Your code was just this:
Code: [Select]
for i=1 to 50 step 0
msgbox("You are an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
Seriously, grow the forget you you dumb script kiddie.

Hack my computer.
Here, have a hint to start you off, I have windows vista, am on a laptop, and my IP is
Also, "hacking" into a "government system" would most likely get you life in prison for treason.
Assuming you're in the USA, it's probably worse in other countries.
Not that you've been specific about what you can do.
Try being more specific.

EDIT: Yes, I know the .vbs file makes a popup box that says "YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!" and won't let you close it the normal way. Just end task and it's gone. Also, that's highly immature. And none of that code took more than ten seconds, and it dosn't do jack stuff.
Exactly, I did it as a surprise, the actual code in the .txt actually works though.

Did you look at the .txt? Anyway if I was trying to be mean I would have posted a virus in that. I knew you could just right-click and hit edit, or end it in task manager, if I could make that it's a duh that i knew that.

Exactly, I did it as a surprise, the actual code in the .txt actually works though.
The other file was just this:
Code: [Select]
Disp "Public key?"
Prompt N
While A>=1
if B==C
Disp A
Disp N/A
Disp P
I've done a decent amount of work with TI BASIC and more or less can tell you that this program just prompts you for a key and displays loops of numbers with it. It however, cannot hack the government.
In fact, TI BASIC of any kind won't be able to. BASIC in general probably can't either.

This is so fun arguing with all these people.

I doubt you have the knowledge to hack anything, based off of your spelling and grammar. Plus, I know for a fact that Yahoo changes log-in passwords every 5 minutes, transferred to workers via encrypted satellite signals, then received and decrypted by a small key-chain device. I wouldn't even guess about the government. If you have such 'superior' hacking, programming, and coding knowledge, then you should be able to give me my RL name.

So whats my name? I've found it in several public online places recently. Should be easy for a hacker!

This is so fun arguing with all these people.
Yeah, because you're basically trolling then.
Seriously, write up some multi-thousand line C++ applications that use mixtures of Networking and Graphics libraries that actually do something important or relevant and I'll be a bit impressed.

What this does is it askes for a number, let's say 3233 (of course i know the RSA encryption has bigger numbers) the only two numbers when multiplied by each other besides 3233 and 1 is (61,53) so any other number besides those four have a GCD with 3233 is 1. So it checks every number up to 3233's square root the numbers and the GCD of them and 3233. It does this until it finds a GCD of not 1. When that is found the number that has the GCD of not 1 is half of the part of the private key. Let's say the number was A. It divides A from N which gives the other part, B. (A-1)(B-1) is then the main part of the private key, you can then use that to find the other part which is not included but can easily be found. If you knew how RSA works you would find that this would work. Remember, I said it would take 5 to 6 years with a Super computer.

If you don't understand, sucks.