Author Topic: Brick Saving by clients  (Read 2940 times)

I recall that ownership was planned in the saves but a bug forced removal at least for now.

My current maze build may prove popular and i'd like to keep it to myself, run it in my server, and keep control of it. With the way people can save bricks currently it wouldn't take long for it to be appearing in many different servers. It would no longer be mine then or be unique.

Basically, is admin only saving planned, or some form of "you can't save my bricks but you can save your own" planned for a future update ?

It can't be done anyway, since the saving works at the clientside level, where it copies down the location of the shapes being rendered. It doesn't grab info down from the server that can be regulated. If someone can see something, they can save it. It's at the basic engine level.

If i was building a piece of sh1t pyramid, then who cares if its stolen, but i'm not. But hey, thanks for your insightful input.

If my build was on 10 different servers, then why would i bother hosting a server where people can come to see and enjoy my maze and hard work. For me, running servers and making my servers a cool place to come to was half the fun. And in RTB my servers were enjoyed and always filled with busy little builders. Thats now taken away by the new saving method.

This is the 1 main fault i see with retail (apart from a lack of jetlag setting). I'm kinda disappointed :(


  • Administrator
If my build was on 10 different servers...

You're giving yourself too much credit.

My friend on AIM said that he had that happened to him...

And some of his builds got destroyed by others... Ahh, reminds me of when my build got destroyed in v0002, i just wanted to kill those who did it ^_^ b

If my build was on 10 different servers...
You're giving yourself too much credit.
Operative word being if. Regardless, the fact is people loved that old maze, i wanted to bring it back, but i won't if it can be easily recreated on other peoples servers. It'll get smashed up, secrets found and be useless in my own server in no time at all. Making my time making it a complete waste.

Yeah, I completely under stand why he wants to have control over the build. You want to be able to monitor the build, and have control over the build.


  • Administrator
Theres already a thread in the suggestion forum about this.  Locking.