Author Topic: Lightning Tower  (Read 1936 times)

I've been spending a while working on this, check it out:

This is just the outside, and it's still unfinished, so please don't flame. I have a server up now if you want to come check it out. I'll post more pictures later.
Anyone who joins the server is allowed to help on any of the floors. The rooms in the corner towers are for anyone who wants them.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 07:52:47 PM by Black Lightning »

Does it attract lightning?

No interior?
And ewww. Duplicator.

looks mad duped and rather bland. it would probably look better if the floors were thicker.

looks mad duped and rather bland. it would probably look better if the floors were thicker.
I'll work on it more. I would apreciate help with any of the floors(top one's almost done.)

The top floor is now ready for anyone who wants to help make a restraunt (the floor is 4 64x64's).

Here's a secret- wherever possible, use bricks instead of baseplates for floors- it makes it way easier to measure out and hook up stairs.

tall yet you can tell that most of it was duped

The top floor is now ready for anyone who wants to help make a restraunt (the floor is 4 64x64's).
Sounds like your trying to copy IcyGamma's Isar Tower.

Sounds like your trying to copy IcyGamma's Isar Tower.
Not really. I had designs for the build before Icy brought his tower to the public, and the restaruant was originally to be a food court.

you spent awhile building that?

you should add more to it like a city or something

you spent awhile building that?
It wasn't so much the biulding, it was the designing. But now that I look at it, it's not super elaborate:)
Edit: I'm gonna lock this until I'm finished entirly. But I'll still have up a server every once in a while.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 03:29:59 PM by Black Lightning »