

19 (63.3%)
11 (36.7%)

Total Members Voted: 30

Author Topic: [VIDEOS] {R}agnarok (NEW: DRAGONE!1!!!1 Part 4)  (Read 5117 times)

welldidn't ask for a rating

Posting a topic merits discussion. Unless you want to censor what is written to what you wanna hear, I'd be quiet. We all know if I had given you a 10/10 you wouldn't be complaining.

Reasons for my rating:
- GUI, it doesn't take much to remove it
- The first episodes layout was gross, the video started then the logo appeared... as a new viewer, I was somewhat confused as to what I was watching until I realized it was just a bad joke
- It'll get old if all you do is delete crap
- Its not special, it doesn't take much effort to whip out a recorder and destroy something-- as it said on Blockland.us, "its easier to destroy than create"
- The logo is poop

Not exactly sure why you think loading and destructing default saves is worthy of a video series hue.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 10:35:44 PM by Sheath »

All i said was orion didn't ask for a rating :u
I'm not sure that is considered "complaining."

all i said was orion iddn't ask for a rating :u

He didn't ask for people not to rate, either. I can say what I like, such as "Flamecannon is evidently stupid".

He didn't ask for people not to rate, either.
o i c

Even though this is really Orion's I don't care for high quality stuff. I filmed because I could and I did not feel like removing GUI's. But, if people want me to do so I will, but apparently I was not prompted at the time.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 10:43:23 PM by Flamecannon »

This is what it would look like, if Santa Clause vandalized Afghanistan DM.

GUI removal isn't too hard. Change the GUI settings in options. If you can, use a letterbox effect (that creates a small black bar at the top and bottom of screen for a cinematic look). If you use letterbox, set max chat lines to 1 or otherwise 0.

Well I guess I'll just ADD MORE EFFORT next time UGH.

{R} is working on a build and that's when I'm going to, you know, apply effort to the filming, but like you figured the video is indeed a joke we made together.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 10:48:25 PM by Flamecannon »

Orion: thsis is the laggiest ****

Also, turn your chat censor off dude.

GUI removal isn't too hard. Change the GUI settings in options. If you can, use a letterbox effect (that creates a small black bar at the top and bottom of screen for a cinematic look). If you use letterbox, set max chat lines to 1 or otherwise 0.
Maby you should film?
Orion: thsis is the laggiest ****

Also, turn your chat censor off dude.

you guys can rate if you want.

I know it's terrible, but it's pretty funny to do.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 10:00:57 AM by Orion »

Lol, ok, your not Exactly "The Makeovers". Change your name to "The Funovers" or "The Changeovers" etc. The makeovers have the place better

Lol, ok, your not Exactly "The Makeovers". Change your name to "The Funovers" or "The Changeovers" etc. The makeovers have the place better