
climate change is bullshit

climate change is bullstuff
58 (54.2%)
49 (45.8%)

Total Members Voted: 107

Author Topic: Climate Change - IcyGamma thinks not.  (Read 12502 times)

IcyGamma, you're arrogant for expecting me to have emotions derived from only one loving source.

YOU are arrogant for thinking you have the right to make a topic about me just because you don't like my view. Too lazy to write up support for your views but more than happy to devote a topic to bitching about me.

If you are so assured of your own accuracy, why are you here, why do you care?
According to you, I should care because I don't know what I'm talking about. You apparently shouldn't because you're the exact opposite, apparently.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 11:48:58 PM by The Titanium »

If you are so assured of your own accuracy, why are you here, why do you care?

I'm defending myself from the ignorant wanker who decided to start a topic about me and cry because I disagreed with him. Whoever that absent minded blockhead could be...

You decided to talk about me and my beliefs, and I'm gonna come and share them. And I will be until this topic is closed, dead, or ignored.

IcyGamma, the next time I'm not feeling deranged and homicidal I promise that I will try my best to calmly debate this with you without bias as much as possible. I cannot do this now. I expect a large amount of deprecation from this post, perhaps noting how you could not care less for such a discussion or my existence at all.

Actually I'm just disappointed at this topic, and the inability for anyone to acceptacknowledge my evidence and views, or provide their own.

I just accept Icy's views because they're right, then I make stupid jokes.
I probably shouldn't do either of those.

You're all abnormally stupid.

You're all abnormally stupid.

Intelligent enough to run a clan better than Oasis Engin.... no, I'll partially ignore you. Hurr.

We've had a very significant increase in global temperatures since the industrial revolution where we really started you use tons of fossil fuels. It can't just be coincidence.

Also, Sheath I don't know if you answered this but, if this is just a scheme to get people to like the government, why do people all around the world recognize it?

Also, most if not almost all scientists from around the world agree that global warming is real. This is well known.

Also, Sheath I don't know if you answered this but, if this is just a scheme to get people to like the government, why do people all around the world recognize it?

Sorry to alarm you, but America isn't the only place to have a government.

Also, most if not almost all scientists from around the world agree that global warming is real. This is well known.

False. Cite.

The evidence I've shown is all legit. You just refuse to accept it. Keep saying its not, just makes you look more foolish. Whereas, you have no evidence do you? Just crumby edited graphs that don't mean anything accept Co2 levels and temperatures are up and down, something we established long a go that doesn't make global warming real.

Also, Leggo having no explination = I don't know why I think global warming is real because I've never researched. And The Titanium agrees via quotes because, just the same, he doesn't know why he believes what he believes.
You basically explained it like this

"Even though CO2 causes this, because of the fact this thing has been caused by other things in the past, this definitely means that is the cause of it and not the CO2 even though it has been settled that it causes these things."

No Seventh. Are you incapable of understanding. Co2 does not cause the warming. It amplifies it. How many times do I have to tell you before the penny drops?

What this means is, something else would have had to start the warming. Natural cause perhaps?