Phantom of the Blocktra is GO!

Author Topic: Phantom of the Blocktra is GO!  (Read 4883 times)

I have found a partner in my project, he can mod, build fairl well, and host servers for me.

We are taking sign-ups. Anybody who wants a part in this, can post an app here (apps don't have to include a build, just say you'd like in and why)

We currently need builders, modders, and all acting roles are OPEN.

 If you would like to be an actor, please don't specify your prefered role, just state you'd like to act. You will probably be asigned multiple roles, which will be decided there and then.

Please note: I alone are doing all the filming, adding music, and editing.

Anybody who helps WILL be credited, and will recieve a copy of the movie to do with what they like.

~EDIT:This is being done purely in 0002, and this decision is based purely upon the building flexibility in 0002. Also based on the fact that the Minifigs etc, actually look like LEGO, which is what we want.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 06:02:20 PM by The Rat Lord »

Your avatar sickens people :(

My avatar is a cute little rat, with RL written in blood. Perfectly reasonable, and relevent to my character.

Give me the original and I'll make it better :O

i think your avitar is cuite i thought that was paint not blood oh well if u like it then its a good avitar for u. ok its rtb i could help u with it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 07:21:30 PM by Lily »

Smelly, annoying, disease infested, and dumb. I agree  :cookieMonster:

I'm sorry, you appear to be getting average rat's mixed with sewer rats. That rat there, is a PET rat. Pet rat's are a few of the nicest breeds of rat, bread to be more friendly and outgoing towards humans. They are perfectly clean, and carry no more desieses than your average man does.

They are not vicious, I have 6 rats, and not one of them has ever bitten me. They are lovely, playful animals, and should under no ciscumstances, be thought of as vicious, and desiesed.

Infact, most wild rats are even pretty clean and tame, just not asmuch as pet rats.

Also, rats are the most intelligent rodents there are, and are one of the most intelligent animals there are; period.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 07:24:49 PM by The Rat Lord »

I use to have two pet rats. But the sad thing is they die of cancer pretty fast.

I know  T_T

You never had a true friend until you had a rat....

I know  T_T

You never had a true friend until you had a rat....

thaks for that info about rats, i used to have a pet rat albino white with red eyes and it would get on my sholder then it got a tumor and had to be put to sleep  :panda: i named it panda (i don't know why i named it that so don't ask) there was also another rat of the same type that we got with panda and it had to get put to sleep because it got a tumor too  :panda:

As much as I love talking about rats with all you lovely people, this topic will soon be about gingerbread men.

As much as I love talking about rats with all you lovely people, this topic will soon be about gingerbread men.

gigerbread men what, i thought u were going to start talking about ur movie

i never saw this movie so i din't know there were gigerbread men in it and no im not blond i have the same color hair as kairi only a little darker