Author Topic: How Far Can You Glide?  (Read 1537 times)

I saw this on a server a while back ( last night to be exact :/ ) And I wanted to make my own and post it to the gallery.
( 50% credit to the person who originally made this. )

This is ( obviously ) a game to test your skills at hang gliding to see how far you can glide.
( Disclaimer: This may or may not improve your skills )

The server is up NOW!
( If the original creator's version is up, alert me and I will take the server down )
Sorry for the screenshot being an attachment.

I saw it. It's epic.

First freakin post! There, I said it.

This fell fast.

Anyways I'm hosting in 5 minutes.

The highscore was like.. 400 and somthing I think

Its easy, all you have to do is wave your
mouse up and down slightly

I some something like this a couple of months back. Looked suspicciously EXECTLY like this one... -_-

I some something like this a couple of months back. Looked suspicciously EXECTLY like this one... -_-

First, lrn2spell

Second, this was built myself, not stolen.

And why would he even want to steal something like this? He ain't going to get into a clan for it or something. -.-'

I hated it. It was spammed and poorly built, and the admins acted like idiots.

And why would he even want to steal something like this? He ain't going to get into a clan for it or something. -.-'

I don't want to be in a clan anyway.

Locking because of idiots.