Author Topic: xanner bl_id:7101 the server crasher  (Read 1466 times)

Hey heres a little server crasher who is very erm charming...

Xanner is my friend, and I'm sure he was joking, besides, he didn't actually DO it, so why make a topic.
That's like saying:

*Makes a topic in drama called "Blockland hacker"
"This guy can hack blockland, don't trust him!"

When he didn't DO it.

Just because he's not actually crashing it, doesn't mean he's not intentionally causing a problem.

Just because he's not actually crashing it, doesn't mean he's not intentionally causing a problem.

Why do you always need to make sense? :c

I see, but it might have been his brother.

Haha, brother excuse.

Why do you always need to make sense? :c

I see, but it might have been his brother.

Or he was secretly selling his account to you for love, and while doing so your father stepped in on the transaction and you had to kill him to hide your deal. You're under arrest for illegal trading and murder to the first degree.

oh jeebus *face palm*

Xanner is my friend, and I'm sure he was joking, besides, he didn't actually DO it, so why make a topic.
That's like saying:

*Makes a topic in drama called "Blockland hacker"
"This guy can hack blockland, don't trust him!"

When he didn't DO it.
lol thats exactly what happend with the nate dog ordeal

Haha, brother excuse.

It isn't just for that time, he actually has 3 brothers, thats why I knew ONE of them, but now he doesn't remember me.

Tip: Do not join a server with no admins. If the admin left, you leave too. If the admin is AFK, leave.

Tip: Do not join a server with no admins. If the admin left, you leave too. If the admin is AFK, leave.
Well I usualy go there all the time becuase this usualy doesnt happen and i know the host really well but today was just a odd day?

It isn't just for that time, he actually has 3 brothers, thats why I knew ONE of them, but now he doesn't remember me.
It's Xanner's key and he should take the responsibility to prevent others from abusing his key.

"what ever you wil be banned anyways"

oh jeebus *face palm*
That server probably deserved to get spammed up the wall.