Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 4073298 times)

Did you have references? that's really good. I hardly look up refs so I draw from memory. Also, the men I draw are usually humongous, angry, and usually on fire.

i think think meant dodecagon, not dodecahedron.
Penrose dodecahedron

Thanks btw
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 04:16:26 PM by LoLBert »

same here, it's been a while since i've drawn someone who wasn't hopped up on hotblooded manliness/steroids

The Pecs are a little too high, but other than that, almost spot on. Maybe the bicep would have a little more definition.

Are we posting dood bods?

only counts if it's your bod

well i mean because the wiki page he linked to shows a penrose triangle, square, pentagon, and other -gons that are two dimensional shapes.

however, when you draw something penrose, you draw the edges of the 2d shape with three dimensional "lines".

penrose + triangle = 3d shape + 2d shape
penrose + dodecahedron = 3d shape + 3d shape

so i just sort of assumed he wouldn't mean a dodecahedron because that's weird
yet you did it
so uh

im currently drawing


those are really pro they're almost photo-realistic.

The second one looks exactly like one of the Windows 7 wallpapers.


is the last guy an enigmatic therapist

is the last guy an enigmatic therapist
that's up for your therapist to decide

anti-block i'm zombiloin