Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3636426 times)

a tank that has a 30cm gun

A tank with a 1 meter gun.

a revolver where the cylinder and its surrounding frame is an old fashioned silver alarm clock

A 2 bore revolver. Because recoil is something we don't understand too well.

a cylinder with a sheet of copy paper on top of it that says "forget~"

DO something like a modern panzershreck.

ok everyone give me neat things to draw

Draw a cute girl on a water jet with a large panda jet skiing from it.

"This surface. Its so nice."

i thought it was grabbing something like mashed potatoes for a second

dunno *shrugs*

a revolver where the cylinder and its surrounding frame is an old fashioned silver alarm clock

A 2 bore revolver. Because recoil is something we don't understand too well.

DO something like a modern panzershreck.

the 2-bore revolver is approximately the size of a large rifle and releases so much pressure and heat backward that- regardless of recoil- your hand is in danger of being literally blown off, thus the shield. it is one of those things where someone decided to blow a bunch of money on making the biggest, stupidest, most impractical but simultaneously raddest forgetin thing ever