Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3635240 times)

what are those shoes supposed to be

inb4 what are those

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your feathers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
oooo thanku

(click for bigger)
I always forget up with some kind of proportion on paper, legs and body are stubby af, I like how I drew this though.

looks fine to me
being 100% correct isn't always important

I just wish I drew the legs a bit longer tbh

oooo thanku

[img height=600[/img]
(click for bigger)
I always forget up with some kind of proportion on paper, legs and body are stubby af, I like how I drew this though.
my only problem with this is the length of thw sword and the shield, other than that, its nice.

my only problem with this is the length of thw sword and the shield, other than that, its nice.

I kinda rushed with the sword (dont really know how sheilds work either tbh)

The refrence I used didn't really work well with proportion to the character either, the picture was large and I drew it that way :s

I took it upon myself to draw Zone-tan rocking some ZONE headphones.

Here's the work while it was in WIP

Here it is completed

Here it is completed- but with the headphones lit up

This was all in a couple days work, really happy with the results.

oooo thanku

I always forget up with some kind of proportion on paper, legs and body are stubby af, I like how I drew this though.
Sorry for the double post, but fantastic work, your style is nice.

Face is a tad wonky but great work nonetheless.

Face is a tad wonky but great work nonetheless.
Is the chin what's catching your eye?

This was all in a couple days work, really happy with the results.


i haven't drawn in a while

Sorry for the double post, but fantastic work, your style is nice.
aaaaa thanks
I love your work too

Thank you, it means alot!