Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 4073169 times)

see's rant
*Goes back to fix eyes
See's more rant
*goes back to fix chin

forget guys

Cannot please anyone, I can feel the paiiinnn.

see's rant
*Goes back to fix eyes
See's more rant
*goes back to fix chin

forget guys

I'm just saying it looks creepy, but if it's fine to you, then leave it.

Oh nah nah nah, I'm not flamin' you guys, I just got flooded is all and had to fix them as separate problems.

Fixed though, I want first on this page plz.

Reminds me of Saint's row.
It's pretty much the best artwork on here, polish and straight line wise.

Reminds me of Saint's row.
It's pretty much the best artwork on here, polish and straight line wise.
Saint's Row? The Fleur-de-lis?

Saint's Row? The Fleur-de-lis?

Yeah. I know what it is
I just call it the saint's row because that's where I found it from.

I haven't seen any of your other material so I'm just gonna base this off of the one picture.

Your coloring and shading and everything is loving awesome. ButI feel like your linework needs work.

Yea for sure, I don't know how to do line art at all, If I use a tablet the line width is inconstant, If I use the pen tool the lines just look funny.


So I had a dream where everyone on this forum uploaded their OC's to Mugen with their own fight moves and everything and we had a Marvel Vs Capcom Vs Blockland battle.

That would be loving glorious

especially through the eyes of someone who is a furry.

I don't know I only fulfil 1 definition of furry but I guess it counts??? idk maybe I'm a pseudofur

That would be loving glorious

I second this..
I am..

That would be loving glorious
brb drawing more concept art

i vote makanix and camera to have a dual special
cus they're both gren!!!