Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 4041035 times)

i vote makanix and camera to have a dual special
cus they're both gren!!!
Camera character is OP wowe

i vote makanix and camera to have a dual special
cus they're both gren!!!

Camera is gray bluh

Aremac is the dragon!

Camera is gray bluh

Aremac is the dragon!
adeport! The durable underwater camera!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 11:17:24 AM by TeslaCoil »

Sounds like fun
Balancing is going to be hard

Sounds like fun
Balancing is going to be hard
Not if we have help!

Me and Camera want YOU the people to help us develope this!

Do Gimp/Any PC Image editors count as drawings?

Do Gimp/Any PC Image editors count as drawings?

Image edits don't, but if you do digital art (i.e. drew something using those programs) it counts.

Not if we have help!

Me and Camera want YOU the people to help us develope this!
Finally I can be the one person everyone wants to be in videogame production
the idea guy!

 we all know

The Camel would reign victorious

I don't know I only fulfil 1 definition of furry but I guess it counts??? idk maybe I'm a pseudofur
well if you've drawn them and such you'd probably be a furry imo

Camera is gray bluh
Aremac is the dragon!
is there a Nortavet dragon
with his sweet af "appliance"

i need an idea to draw.
(sorry you won't be able to see either, at least now for a while.)

That's the least most creepy picture I've seen you draw, Good job.

brb drawing more concept art
provide me with sprites and i can make it happen