Author Topic: Drawings Megathread  (Read 3878480 times)

show us the research, pomp
i demand your finest pron
alright so i hope i'm not banned for this
here's some real soft stuff

scanned version:

color pencil really looks bad in photos

If ANYTHING looks off to you give a holla.

alright kum i'm not gonna lie, her shoulders look like they're at a weird angle compared to the rest of her torso

and her mouth seems a little big but that could just be my tastes speaking

here's some real soft stuff

does this mean that there's hard stuff

you can pm nsfw stuff to people and its fine btw

but yeah god damn that looks nice

and if you look at the hot anime girls thread you can see just how much you can get away with in posts.

can a mf get some mf'in crits im about to go bonkers

If ANYTHING looks off to you give a holla.
where her nose bridge @

sketched this in 30 mins like a nerd (it's stuffe I know)

spent like 2 hours on this

praise me

That man has some serious swag

sketched this in 30 mins like a nerd (it's stuffe I know)

that's actually pretty good especially for 30 minutes

that's actually pretty good especially for 30 minutes
eyy thanks

it seriously could be much better tho

naw it's fine
only thing that maybe needs work are the leaves on the trees
they look like cotton candy

naw it's fine
only thing that maybe needs work are the leaves on the trees
they look like cotton candy
haha well I'd fix that but honestly, my non-puffy trees look like utter crap 99% of the time

When I get the chance I'll redo this and make it much better c: