Author Topic: 1024 byte scripting contest  (Read 17529 times)

For another example, Badspot's 16-line rocket launcher. (547 characters including linebreaks)
That entire topic was lol

I never knew small codes could be complex.

I never actually said I wanted to enter.

Interesting idea for a contest. I'd enter but I really no almost nothing about scripting, and don't really care to learn. At least not torque code.

Are you going to show the scripts when the contest is over? Also is there a prize?

Unfortunately my brainforget parser weighs in at 1,547 bytes when finished - but without input capabilities it's a mere 933. Can't have input without a package so there's somewhere to take input from and it's hard to write a package of something relevant in 91 chars or less. (ConsoleEntry::eval specifically, it had to have overrides in there so you couldn't be stuck giving input to the Brainforget VM)

Regardless i'm happy that it works, it's pretty damn cool. :cookieMonster:

(If you're confused, this is the simple bit.)

I was trying to make a second script which would compress a script. Although, after adding it for comments, local variables and newlines, I went for spaces and there it went over the maximum limit. It's finished now, currently 3593 bytes uncompressed, and compressed itself to 1579 bytes. Although, it is not perfect, because if you have single character variable, it wont compress it, results in that two variables could get the same name. Secondly, it currently have a limit of 26 local variables in each function.
If people find this script useful, I might fix those bugs, unless someone else does it before me.

Edit: Script removed due out of date.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 10:42:26 AM by mctwist »

Sent my entry in.

(Are we supposed to show it here before the results?)

(Are we supposed to show it here before the results?)
PM (not post) me your entry when you're done
I showed an another entry I thought of sending in, but it was too big, so I posted it here so others could have an use for it.

I would enter;

But I have no ideas.  :cookieMonster:

If I had an idea, certainly.

I showed an another entry I thought of sending in, but it was too big, so I posted it here so others could have an use for it.
Yeah, I've PM'd it to him but I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to also post what it is/links/etc. here.

McTwist, have him pick one of the following mediums to contact me with.
- MSN: trewseatlivedotcom
- XMPP: trewseatnekodotim
- Steam: itruce
- Skype: {same as above}

(Are we supposed to show it here before the results?)

Nope, but with the authors' permission, I was going to post them in the main topic once the contest is over (I'm thinking a week from today; Saturday) for other people to check out. Quite a few people also have the uncompcated version so I'd post that instead, as it would benefit people checking out the code for learning purposes.

McTwist, have him pick one of the following mediums to contact me with.
- MSN: trewseatlivedotcom
- XMPP: trewseatnekodotim
- Steam: itruce
- Skype: {same as above}

Nope, but with the authors' permission, I was going to post them in the main topic once the contest is over (I'm thinking a week from today; Saturday) for other people to check out. Quite a few people also have the uncompcated version so I'd post that instead, as it would benefit people checking out the code for learning purposes.
That would be very cool.

I look forward to see some good but small code. :D

McTwist, have him pick one of the following mediums to contact me with.
- MSN: trewseatlivedotcom
- XMPP: trewseatnekodotim
- Steam: itruce
- Skype: {same as above}

Nope, but with the authors' permission, I was going to post them in the main topic once the contest is over (I'm thinking a week from today; Saturday) for other people to check out. Quite a few people also have the uncompcated version so I'd post that instead, as it would benefit people checking out the code for learning purposes.
You have my permission! :D

with the authors' permission
Mine is already released, so no harm releasing that.

Code: [Select]
function ServerCmdFish(%client)
%client.clanPrefix = "<*()))><";
I win.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 07:02:10 PM by Jasa 12265 »