Author Topic: 1024 byte scripting contest  (Read 17524 times)

Code: [Select]
function ServerCmdFish(%client)
%client.clanPrefix = "<*()))><";
I win.
It's not like you will win this contest with that.

I now declare myself to be in this contest.  My script is 847 870 - fixed something that might be a bug - bytes and I can mathematically prove that it is as efficient as possible in torque.  Since I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to do besides send Truce my script, I wish everyone else luck.  But not as much luck as I wish myself, as this is a contest.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 03:57:05 PM by Nexus »

I now declare myself to be in this contest.

Added. Hurray for ten participants.

Hello Truce.


Looking for that wiremod you made but never released:

Think you'll ever release it? Or if not, can I have a copy? Under the table of course, no one even has to know. And I swear I won't release it.

Lol'd, you seriously are desperate for having that add-on don't you? :3

Dang right. I'll enter an extremely terrible entry into this here contest if thats what it takes.

The add-on may not be perfect, but it seemed to be working well enough in those pics of his.

And Truce, even if you won't let me have it, at least say so.

If it hasn't been released with 20+ pages of people moaning for Truce to release it, it's not going to be released. I think that's pretty easy to figure out.

Please don't ruin a perfectly good contest thread by posting stupid crap in it. You already made a topic in general discussion.

I can try.

But I suck at scripting :c

I'll just leave because I have no damn idea what so ever what to work on.

I'll just leave because I have no damn idea what so ever what to work on.

Ill give you one:

Make some kind of voting system for the server, with customizable voting options.

I seriously have no idea what to make.
He's a script that adds a key bind for walking continuously:
Code: [Select]
$awkd = true;
$awing = false;
function autowalk()
$awing = !$awing;
$awkd = !$awkd;
$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Movement";
$remapName[$remapCount] = "AutoWalking";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "autowalk";
305 bytes, could compress to below 300 if I wanted to.
I was just about to post a topic for the 417 byte version that has been actually tested to work, this one should work, but hasn't been tested.

Contest runs until Saturday (I'll be fair on timezones) so you've got time to think of something.

Code: [Select]
$awkd = true;
$awing = false;
function autowalk()
$awing = !$awing;
$awkd = !$awkd;
$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Movement";
$remapName[$remapCount] = "AutoWalking";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "autowalk";
Code: [Select]
function autoWalk(%val) {
$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Movement";
$remapName[$remapCount] = "AutoWalking";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "autoWalk";
Code: [Select]
function aw(%a){if(%a)moveForward(!$mvForwardAction);}$remapDivision[$remapCount]="Move";$remapName[$remapCount]="AutoMove";$remapCmd[$remapCount]="aw";$remapCount++;
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 05:12:19 AM by Bauklotz »

Code: [Select]
function aw(%a){if(%a)moveForward(!$mvForwardAction);}$remapDivision[$remapCount]="Move";$remapName[$remapCount]="AutoMove";$remapCmd[$remapCount]="aw";$remapCount++;
Code: [Select]
function z(%a){if(%a)moveForward(!$mvForwardAction);}%c=$remapCount;$remapDivision[%c]="Move";$remapName[%c]="AutoMove";$remapCmd[%c]="z";$remapCount++;

I think Flaw/bauklotz version removed consideration for the fact that the keybind triggers the function on key press and release.