Author Topic: Model colors wash out  (Read 1344 times)

My model's colors wash out to an almost shadeless state on the side that is facing the sun. Why?

If you look at the RL you can see the difference.

Try playing with the diffuse and that sort of thing.

Try playing with the diffuse and that sort of thing.
Only the material name matters in Blender. I could set the diffuse to 0 or turn on shadeless and it wouldn't do a thing.

Edit: Magic. The problem fixed itself. No idea what I did wrong/different.

Edit2: Magic. Problem is back. Halp.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 11:38:13 AM by Demian »

Only the material name matters in Blender. I could set the diffuse to 0 or turn on shadeless and it wouldn't do a thing.
What. I thought it would actually make a difference on which shades when you edit the colors, diffuse or transparency.

What. I thought it would actually make a difference on which shades when you edit the colors, diffuse or transparency.
Not at all. NOTHING you change in the Blender material settings matter in any way. ONLY the material name. That's all. Sure you get a better preview of your model if you color it in Blender and it certainly helps you model, but none of that will appear in game. Only the material name. Tested.

It kind of looks like you smooth-shaded it somehow.

It kind of looks like you smooth-shaded it somehow.
Nope. It's flat shaded.

The problem might be with your textures.

Try using completely different textures, to see if it makes any difference. Like, red for the handle, and blue for the ax head.

The problem might be with your textures.

Try using completely different textures, to see if it makes any difference. Like, red for the handle, and blue for the ax head.
Not a problem with the textures.

Not a problem with the textures.
K. Did you try re-flatshading?

I can't think of what might be causing this.

Could you post a short video or something so we can get a 360° view?

That's pretty much all there is to see.

Well, I wanted to see if the washout is static or moves with the camera.

It's static and it's a problem with the model itself, not the exporting or game lighting.