Looking for Emergent Gameplay

Author Topic: Looking for Emergent Gameplay  (Read 26726 times)

I don't know what that is, but it's pretty cool  :cookieMonster:

This is Bloodbaths Drivers Ed Challenge server
Download Link
I have a better quality version then this.

I don't know what that is, but it's pretty cool  :cookieMonster:
from the looks of it, its a hony comb

That's what I want to know, but they wouldn't explain it to me in game.  :panda:

Press D while in mid air to turn to the right, make sure your skis touch the wall, the rest is magic.

i love doing barrell rolls on skis

Battleship! Unfortunatley the server froze before the game ended. It was Zor vs. Me and luckily i could still get one pretty bad screen but still.

im workin on it

He wants them with you playing with other people.

I don't have a pic, but the Fire Fighting mod.... :)

Ephi should post his mine build. It's a huge lump of bricks all supported by one-another. You just wand tunnels in, although we all went for the bottom and took it out.