Author Topic: Wierd/odd thing about your school/the people in your school.  (Read 4349 times)

a girl told me i have beautiful eyes in fourth grade o_o

a girl told me i have beautiful eyes in fourth grade o_o
is that so weird :u

a girl told me i have beautiful eyes in fourth grade o_o
Someone told me that a couple of weeks before Christmas break.
It'd be funny if you got banned for that.
And I mean loving hilarious funny.

drama me, it would be an honor  :cookieMonster:

And.. for mine, well..

1: Whenever the lights are turned off, by student or whatever, we all scream hysterically.
Same. I am a bit worried about what my grade is going to turn out as in the future. When the lights turned off, the entire 8th grade started screaming like loving 2 year olds.

Major facepalm incoming. *facepalm*

a girl told me i have beautiful eyes in fourth grade o_o

a girl told me I had beautiful eyelashes last week :o

is that so weird :u
no the weird part was when she started staring into my eyes

it just felt really weird

Same. I am a bit worried about what my grade is going to turn out as in the future. When the lights turned off, the entire 8th grade started screaming like loving 2 year olds.

Major facepalm incoming. *facepalm*
This. One kid jumped on the table.

a girl told me i have beautiful eyes in fourth grade o_o

At my old school this really cute chick was a nice ass said she really liked my eyebrows. I was like "I really like your ass Thanks."

At my old school this really cute chick was a nice ass said she really liked my eyebrows. I was like "I really like your ass Thanks."

This one girl said thanks when I held the door then I said "Hey, wanna have some fun in the bathroom?"

is that so weird :u
Nethog... has... no... eyes! D:

My school is less strange and odd, and more completely annoying.
Idiots who use my tutor room as a junk yard, and these are people who aren't even in my tutor group.

Lemme explain. :3
We have a very small, cold tutor room, which is one of those typical school huts (I'm pretty sure anyone from any English school will know what I mean). They're cold, damp, almost delapidated in some cases, and ridiculously old.
Luckily, our tutor room is one of the very few which has it's own heater.
That means that the tutor room next door would come in and use our room at lunch and break.

Then their tutor left on maternity leave, and they moved inside to a nice room.
However, their new tutor doesn't let them eat in the room because they leave it in a complete mess.
So, they continue to come down to our tutor room.
Most of my tutor group, about 3/4 of the group, will eat lunch in there for 10 minutes and then leave to go outside.
This other tutor group, and the entirety of their tutor group, will stay inside in our huts.
What they then proceed to do, is take every single chair and subsequently smash the legs in and out of shape. They then throw them around at doors, people, other peoples belongings (Because my tutor group leave their bags in there.).
They also smash wooden panels on the side of the walls, rip down all items from the walls, throw other peoples belongings everywhere and even place them at the bottom of bins.
Smashing plug sockets off of walls.
Scuffing black marks up the walls with their shoes (To see how high they can kick).
Leaving bits of plastic on the electric heater, which subsequently melt and release foul odours which are also toxic. What do they care? They leave after lunch.
They take the fire extinguishers and shoot them around the room, which actually means the extinguishers are at a false pressure and technically illegal and against health and safety regulations.
They even like to smash in the fire alarm occasionally.

Long story short, all the idiots from a different tutor group, use our room as a trash heap and a play thing, smashing items and other peoples belongings, releasing poisonous Carbon Monoxide fumes and breaking all manner of health and safety equipment and essentially creating fire hazards.
And we get the blame, our tutor, who has left the tutor room at lunch, and are now banned from using it, as it'll just be locked.
Some idiots from the other tutor group will no doubt try to smash in the fire escape to enter, or pry open the windows. But hey, it'll be them who gets excluded.
I no longer care enough to not drop names. I'm not taking a punishment for idiots who aren't even supposed to use the tutor room.

Sorry for the long one. :s

This one girl said thanks when I held the door then I said "Hey, wanna have some fun in the bathroom?"

My school has strict as hell rules...but im going to middle school next year :)

the fire alarms in the classrooms are weird. They do not flash in code, like the hallway alarms do, but instead they just flash randomly with seemingly no pattern.

there is a cold-war air raid siren next to it, like about 15 yards away from the east wall. Yes it is still used.
And they test when im at lunch, but the 2nd-4th graders are out on the playground when it sounds.

all of the computers are at least 5 years old, except for the 5-6th grade macbooks (which are white), the teacher's macbooks (which are black), and the principal's MacBook Pro (which is silver). One room still has a working Macintosh. Not the original, but still.