Author Topic: Norm the Genie  (Read 21270 times)

You get a taco, but then Taco Bell steals it and leaves a penny.

I wish for nothing. :s

You get the air...

I wish for a working minigun to shoot that idiot who stole my taco


You get the air...

I wish for a working minigun to shoot that idiot who stole my taco


You got a minigun that explodes when you shoot it.

I wish for infinite wishes.

You create a paradox, imploding the universe.

I wish for a glass of water that is not made of water and actually is holding water.

it is in space
i wish for anything but a piece of pie to be stolen

You get a lolipop

I wish for the internet

You are sentenced to a life in a land controlled by trolls.

I wish to get a toaster oven.

The toaster oven appeaars in mid-air, drops, and breaks

I wish for Homefront

Cry about it, Homefront is the stufftiest game ive ever played

I wish for a life.

You get it but always talk in size 8pt.
I wish people would stop being crazy on the forums and put in signatures or standard text size changes and stuff to think they might stand out.

You get it but always talk in size 8pt.
I wish people would stop being crazy on the forums and put in signatures or standard text size changes and stuff to think they might stand out.

I do it because it annoys people.

I do it because it annoys people.
You didn't do it right

I wish for BLID 666

You didn't do it right

I wish for BLID 666
Badspot dosent do anything and steals your money when you buy the game.

Badspot dosent do anything and steals your money when you buy the game.

I wish for people to not try to annoy me with stupid standard text changes 'cuz it is stupid and they probably suffer from ihavetobeunique.