Author Topic: This is very scary - Makeshift nuclear bombs.  (Read 4363 times)

I like Otto's theory. It makes the most sense and it lets me put my mind at ease since we'll all be dead by 3734 anyway :D

knowledge is power.

regardless we don't know when it will end, so we may only think and wait.

Am I the only one here who owns a fallout shelter? A wealthy eccentric built my house and had the basement walls made thick enough to deter radiation c:

Am I the only one here who owns a fallout shelter? A wealthy eccentric built my house and had the basement walls made thick enough to deter radiation c:
Good thing you'll never need it.

I bet $20 that a nuclear bomb will fall in the next 30 years somewhere in the US and you'll be laughing in all our faces since the radiation can't affect you. :/

Am I the only one here who owns a fallout shelter?
nope, my closet has a hatch that goes down seventy feet to my fallout shelter thats lined with eight layers of two inch hardened steel plating then there's twenty inches of lead and a third of an inch of Either, I installed a vault door with a timelock so once its locked it won't open again for twenty years and there's a small completely self sustaining ecosystem so no worry about food shortages and with all the dehydrated water I have in cans I won't run out of that ether.

and I have a fallout shelter app on my iPod so if I'm not home ill have a temporary one

EDIT: no I'm not paranoid...I just know "their" out to get me!

« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 08:33:52 PM by Mardalf »

Good thing you'll never need it.

I bet $20 that a nuclear bomb will fall in the next 30 years somewhere in the US and you'll be laughing in all our faces since the radiation can't affect you. :/
But we'll all have superpowers and we'll laugh at him and his mortalness.

But we'll all have superpowers and we'll laugh at him and his mortalness.

My friend said the guy making the mayan calendar "dropped dead".
Or they just ran out of ink.

I just know "their" out to get me!
What about their out to get you?

My dad have a fridge, microwave, mini-bar, and acarde games in our basement.

I'm going to live and you're all going to die. :cookieMonster:

Uranium ore anyone? It's only $39.95

Is plutonium illegal to posses in Michigan? Or in the US?