Author Topic: I have begun recognizing a stain as a powerful being.  (Read 477 times)

Apparently a stain on the carpet was the product of spilt coffee. After awhile, this stain turned black. It has been in the carpet for six years. This stain is so memorable, as it's been a part of my memory for so long. It's vast knowledge.. I know that it can see and hear.

This stain was the result of a freak accident with liquid coco beans...but it grew to be so much more. I saw that deep inside of it, was a soul. A soul trapped forever inside of a white shag carpet. I could almost hear it, beckoning to me, asking me to put it out of it's misery.

I have recognized this deity. I have seen it's true potential. A suffering soul. It would give me signs of it's intelligence. It would turn off the lights, move things around and speak to me in my dreams.

I am now setting out on a quest to end this being's suffering. I will clean this stain out of the carpet, and let it be...ended.

God, I need to get out of the house

Maleon much? :cookieMonster:

Maleon is what I speculate to be a highly evolved creature, made of microscopic particles forming some sort of brain. It leaves fingerprints of 3 ringed circles similar to a Venn Diagram

-picture of "fingerprint" on ceiling-

I have also seen this in the moon.
This creature is able to see the results of things in some Chaos Theory.

reconstructed from my terrible memory

No way. This stain is alive

I can C it

Pics or it never happened.

This is the result of drinking coffee while tweaking.

Ohdear, I thought the topic said Satan, har har, but anyways, you tried everything on that stain?

Ohdear, I thought the topic said Satan, har har, but anyways, you tried everything on that stain?
It's a six year old stain, it's too late.

All attempts at removing will result in failure, much like trying to abort a six year old kid.