Author Topic: Reputations in BL-R  (Read 3685 times)

When I read Reputations in BL-R I thought it was some loser talking about people who are already known for their work in BLR. Then I read the first post and wondered "What the hell?"

I thought it would be "Most Hated" (me) and "Most Liked" (Badspot).

Meh.  :cookieMonster:

Most hated is definately StoreClerk.

I love Blockland because you get Newbies from no ware who know nobody think they are the coolest and you just get a bunch of old members who screw around with them and they all have hissy fits.

Half of the people think my little brother is Packer...

Definatley infamous. Along with StoreClerk and Anarki.

Haha, I need to get Retail so I can start USSR admining again.

Wow... $60. Didn't you complain that $20 was too much? Now you have spent three times that...

i bet some people hate me, even though i never do anything to people :P

I would recomend banning ID 632 from servers, especially if the admin is AFK or absent or planning on doing so, because he goes on servers without admins and spamms

who's ID 632, I don't think i know him, and I'm pretty shure it's not cheif


  • Guest
I may be a noob, actually I am a noob, but I think reputations would be a good idea only because I never know who to trust when getting an answer to a question.  I have a short list of people who, through trial and error, I have discovered are trustworthy, but I would have rather not have dealt with the error part.  Also is it possible for Blockland to be password protected?  Last night I logged in and discovered that my account had been banned from several servers.  I can only assume it was my younger brother being a jerk again.

I don't like the idea of  a rep add-on. We already have rep yet it isn't clearly visible.