
Should functions like selective fire and weapon bashing for the original realistic pack use custom button binds? Please note that this means people without the mod will not be able to use said functions.


Author Topic: BKT Project Thread: yar  (Read 385438 times)

yeah it happens often

I just like how everyone blames me when I've been waiting on new/updated models for around, if not over, half a year

He's actually doing things and constantly updating them. He's just not releasing an unfinished weapons pack and he didn't finish it yet because he's also busy with other things.
Also he's constantly hosting a server with it enabled.

I update whenever I get models(so I guess it's not constant), we're not releasing an unfinished pack either, and we are also busy with other things. As for servers, I haven't seen any beta testers hosting with our ME3 stuff except comy, and no we can't host

yeah it happens often

I just like how everyone blames me when I've been waiting on new/updated models for around, if not over, half a year
I update whenever I get models(so I guess it's not constant), we're not releasing an unfinished pack either, and we are also busy with other things. As for servers, I haven't seen any beta testers hosting with our ME3 stuff except comy, and no we can't host
Then you seem to have a really incompetent modeler but still you should at least apply the optimal scripts you planned for the weapons on the models you already got. You need more people to host a beta as well - if you can't find any fitting hosters you need to lower the requirements.

Honestly after half a year with such a low progress probally a lot of people - myself included - lost any hope in a release of this pack.

I just like how everyone blames me when I've been waiting on new/updated models for around, if not over, half a year
Then you seem to have a really incompetent modeler

Also, if this keeps up, I might come back.


Also, if this keeps up, I might come back.
I don't understand

Then you seem to have a really incompetent modeler but still you should at least apply the optimal scripts you planned for the weapons on the models you already got. You need more people to host a beta as well - if you can't find any fitting hosters you need to lower the requirements.

Honestly after half a year with such a low progress probally a lot of people - myself included - lost any hope in a release of this pack.
I want to release the ME3 weapons we have done but shad won't let me, and I'm trying to make things more user-friendly before allowing the main project weapons to be publicly hosted, but with certification tests, exams, and friends' problems along with my own, I can't find the time or sanity to concentrate on thousands of lines of code-- I get enough of that as it is with web design homework
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 06:29:58 PM by Zloff »

I don't understand
If shad doesn't send the models in, or if my weapons haven't been fixed yet, I'll come back to help a bit, possibly with some new guns.

It's funny to see the amount of anger on this topic.
It isn't your job to decide when and how the pack will be released.
Wait till the damn thing is done like everyone else.
Your bitching and moaning isn't going to get the pack released any faster.

P.S. Because I feel the need to rub it in all your faces. I am a beta tester because I know that Zloff fellow in real life.
So....a big middle finger to all of you who are rejected >:D

P.S. Because I feel the need to rub it in all your faces. I am a beta tester because I know that Zloff fellow in real life.
So....a big middle finger to all of you who are rejected >:D

You really are a




You bet your ass I am. >B|

i got a suggestion:
dont take another 5 years to make this.

i got a suggestion:
dont take another 5 years to make this.
I have a suggestion too.
Don't give suggestions on things you know nothing about.
Takes a long ass time to code every weapon. Not to mention Shad's inability to make models at the current time and date.
So I have another suggestion.

If you think you can do better. GO FOR IT AMIGO