Author Topic: Stop harrasing people please  (Read 1577 times)

Look, this is a general message to the BL community. Please, stop harassing people. Don't ever tell someone on the forums they fail at life, because you cant judge that, you don't know them in real life. Grow up calling someone over the internet is about as mature as a kindergartener saying "no girls alloud na na na na". And another thing, 75% of the BL community SEEMS, now i don't know this as a fact, to have no Personality. I am not asking for a flame war, so don't start one, and if your opinion is different, express it in a calm, collected manner please.

alas i am guilty of this....

[EDIT] think of this as a BL forum intervention XD

Also im not naming anyone, but what is with CERTAIN members ability to flame and attack people unchecked? Even disobeying a topics Cardinal rules, this is a travesty in its self.

*puts a sign up*
HAHA! No girls allowed!
Also, you fail at life.

Ok siriously now, I don't think you should really care that much that someone told you on the internet that you fail at life.
It's the internet, people do what ever the hell they want.
For all you know I could be a girl.
So basically, this topic is unnecessary, if people want to "harass" other people, than they will, you can't stop them.

I will flame people, but only when they truly deserve it. : D

I will flame people, but only when they truly deserve it. : D


Haha, you thought I'd shout. By the way there's a part in that where you lost me.

Grow up calling someone over the internet is about as mature as a kindergartener saying "no girls alloud na na na na".
Firstly, it makes no sence at all.
Secondly, you switched tences.

I never flame anyone... Unless I feel like it.


Haha, you thought I'd shout. By the way there's a part in that where you lost me.

Grow up calling someone over the internet is about as mature as a kindergartener saying "no girls alloud na na na na".
Firstly, it makes no sence at all.
Secondly, you switched tences.

lol yeah that didn't make sense the way he said it but you know what he meant.

iv been pissed for something my brother did and iv been realesing it in BL fourms, sorry guys.
most of the time im nice and i don't even call people noobs.

I just harrased someone because they misspelt my name.

I never flame anyone... Unless I feel like it.

i do that too :P