Author Topic: ULTMIATE PRANKS!  (Read 420 times)

So of course as everyone can remember it was April Fools yesterday, so all day I pulled around
six pranks, most of them were in my school on teachers or friends.

Prank 1: I tip toed to my friends house up the road before school, and pulled the Spark Plugs off his engine
which disabled his car, he soon found out and was on his way but still doesn't know who did it.

Prank 2: In school in our English room, before the teacher came in I put a sticky piece of paper under her mouse, so when she tried moving it, on the computer screen it looked as if it had frozen. She had to get a
new mouse!

Prank 3: In the gym, before class, our motivation music from the speakers changed from "Some stuffy Gym music" to "I'ma forget your ass!" song. :D

Prank 4: At break, my mate Dave came out to get books from his locker, the funny thing was I changed (by unscrewing it) his locker Number Sign from 184 to 197 (My locker number) and put my number to 184, he was really confused.

Prank 5: In History, on our white board, I changed the text from "Turn to page 47 in your text books" to

ULTIMATE PRANK: At assembly I bribed my friend £110 pounds to wear just underwear, then walk onto
our schools stage dancing and singing "Hallelujah I'm a nudie!" Everyone was in shock (and laughing)

Result: After all these pranks I got
4 weeks detention
Ground for 14 days (Why didn't my mum just say two weeks?)
A hole lot of telling offs, off my teachers
Two of my friends have had a falling out with me
But the good news is, I'v been called The Ultimate School's Prankster

But after all of these detentions, falling outs and blah, it was all worth it.

Last one is bullstuff.

The spark plug one was funny though.

200mls anhydrous butyric acid, a hot day and a seriously strong gut is a recipe for fun.

I put a troll face under my computer teachers mouse.
it had the word problem? with the troll face on it.
He was a bit confused until he googled it in class. then he started laughing.